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The February 2025 Annual Valentines Orchid Sale and Open House
                             Has Ended
Thank You to Everyone Who Came or Called In

Click Here for Class Dates New 2025 Dates Are Here !!!

Our Fall Sale & Open House 2024 has ended.
Some new Cattleyas will be added this year.
So keep looking on the website

Annual Valentine's Sale & Open House for February 2024 Has Ended
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Open House and Sale

Annual Fall Sale and Open House for September 2023 has ended.
Thank you to everyone who came and purchased orchids and those who called/emailed.
Please come or call and continue to add our orchids to your collection.

Click Here for Classes  New 2025 Dates Are Here !!!
Orchid Classes  Learn how to grow, care for and bloom your orchids
Ironwood Estate Orchids is conducting Beginner and Intermediate Classes (Training for repotting orchids)
People who have taken these classes both enjoy them and have learned a lot that helps them grow either the orchids that they
already have or know which orchids to choose to purchase from our greenhouse that they then can grow at their home.

Beginner Classes and Hands on Repotting Class
Beginner Class is about 2 hours     Hands on Repotting Class is about 1 1/2 hours

Ironwood Estate Orchids will be a vendor at the 2023 Asheville Orchid Festival,
by the Western NC Orchid Society
April 1-2, 2023    9AM - 5 PM
At the NC Arboretum in Asheville
We are taking pre-orders

Our 2023 Annual Valentine's Sale & Open House
has ended.  Thank  you so much for the wonderful
people who came to the greenhouse and ordered for shipping.

Well our Fall 2022 Sale / Open House has ended.
Thank you to everyone who came and those who emailed / called in.
We continue to be open by appointment and available for shipping orders.

The 20th anniversary Sale/Open House has ended
Thank you for everyone who participated
Our customers are important

Pray for Peace

Annual Valentine's Orchid Sale & Open House has ended.
Thank you for your participation!

Let there be Peace on Earth 

2021 Annual Fall Orchid Sale & Open House Has Ended

Thank you for all of your purchases

Observing Memorial Day


Happy Mother's Day !!!!

2021 Annual Valentine's Sale & Open House With changes has ended
Thank you everyone for helping to make this a successful event
By appointment worked very well


The Fall Sale / Open House has ended. 
Thank you to everyone who we shipped to and those that came to the greenhouse.  We very much appreciate your business !! 

 2020 Annual Fall Sale and Open House

Shipping to North Carolina and other states is available.
During this time we are all wearing masks in the greenhouse and practicing social distancing.
Contact us at or (828) 294-3950  (828) 238-3604 cell


Let there be Peace on Earth
The Corona Virus around the world has meant something to each of us.
I have a request for you.
Please pray for the corona virus to end.  Do this every day.
Then ask everyone you know to pray every day for the corona virus to end.
Then ask those people to ask everyone they know to pray every day for the corona virus to end.

This needs to be a worldwide movement to pray for the end of the corona virus.
Thank you! 
Your help is very much needed.
To help you with this time of the corona virus, we offer you these orchids.
Growing these, blooming them, and caring for them can help you feel better during this time.

We are still here for  you.        
We are open by appointment
Please, at this time wear a face mask and practice social distancing
Our orchids can be shipped to you thru the Post Office
Call us or email us to order
(828) 294-3950


Ironwood Estate Orchids 2020 Annual Valentines Sale and Open House has ended.
Thank you to everyone who came and those who shopped with us from elsewhere in the US.
You all made this an exceptional event. 
Enjoy your orchids and supplies.
And remember, come to the greenhouse all thru the year. Or buy to ship to you in the US..
We have orchids for you!


The 2019 Annual Fall Sale and Open House has ended.
Thank you to everyone for your participation

The Valentine's 2019 Sale / Open House is over
You are invited to come to the greenhouse by appointment
Lovely orchids await you

Also time to take one of our classes

Merry Christmas to all of you !!!!  And have a New Year filled with blessings !!!!  Peace to You
Keep in touch.  We are now on Instagram and Facebook.
Fall Sale 2018 and its extension are over.  Thank you


Fall Orchid Sale and Open House is over.  Thank you to everyone who came
and the many who purchased new orchids!

The Annual Valentine's Sale and Open House is over
Thank you so much for everyone who came or called or emailed
Now, time for the Orchid Classes

Orchid Classes  Learn how to grow, care for and bloom your orchids
Ironwood Estate Orchids is conducting Beginner and Intermediate Classes (Training for repotting orchids)
People who have taken these classes both enjoy them and have learned a lot that helps them grow either the orchids that they
already have or know which orchids to choose to purchase from our greenhouse that they then can grow at their home.

       Beginner Classes and Hands on Repotting Class
Beginner Class is about 2 hours     Hands on Repotting Class is about 1 1/2 hours
Click Here for Classes  New 2023 Dates Are Here !!!

Sign up for  Beginner Classes
The Beginner Class is for people who are not yet familiar with growing orchids.  This class will teach you how to care for orchids, going over the special growing needs of orchids.  You will also learn about reblooming orchids.  The class will cover major most-usually grown genera of orchids.  You will receive written class material which you will keep.  You get to ask questions, make notes and learn what orchids you can grow in your environment.
After the class ends, you will be able to purchase orchids, decorative pots, potting and other orchid supplies.
The cost of the Beginner class is $20.00 per person.

Sign up for Hands on Repotting Class
The Hands on Repotting Class:  This is for people who are early in growing orchids, only growing them for a short time or only have a few and need more information.  The class will go over the basics of growing orchids to make sure that everyone is clear on the basics.  You get to ask questions.  Then the class will move to repotting orchids. You will be instructed on the why and how to repot for the major most-usually grown genera of orchids.  You will get to do a hands-on repotting of a small orchid in order to get the feel of what to do when you repot your orchids.  You get to keep the small orchid that you pot.  You will get to ask questions, make notes and receive written instructions on repotting orchids.
After the class ends, you will be able to purchase orchids, decorative pots, potting and other orchid supplies. 
The cost of the Intermediate class is $25.00 per person

How To Register: Call (828) 294-3950 or e-mail to register for any of the classes. 
Please indicate the date and time that you are registering for. 
Give the name and contact phone # of each person attending the class. 
The Beginner Class and the Intermediate Class each are two hour classes. 

Location:  The classes are held at the greenhouse of Ironwood Estate Orchids
3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602

*Special class dates and times can be made for groups who would like to take the class together.
Events where we provide Orchid Rentals continue
Let us know if you need to rent orchids
Thank you to each of our customers!
It is you who make this a business and a wonderful experience.
We invite you to come to the greenhouse (by appointment) and
enjoy the ever changing environment of blooms, plant growth and orchid offerings.
Dale and Phyllis Erikson  Still growing and enjoying orchids after more than 40 years

Well beginning in 2020 the Corona Virus came and stopped our usual shows.
Next year in 2023 the Asheville Orchid Festival is set to be held.
We will post more when we know more.
But please plan to come to our vending area next year and get lots of wonderful orchids to make you happy!!!!

And before then, please come to our greenhouse by appointment to buy many orchids. 
We offer a very wide selection of orchids for people at different levels of experience
growing orchids for in the home or in a greenhouse.

We have just concluded a visit and giving a talk to the wonderful, warm and welcoming
Peninsula Orchid Society in Hampton, Va.  Thank you to them for having us there and
being so enthusiastic over our orchids.  For us, going to orchid societies hasn't
happened since the virus.

We also plan to resume conducting our orchid classes soon.
This will be posted on our website shortly.

2016 Past Events
The Western NC Orchid Society's Asheville Orchid Festival (AOF)
and American Orchid Society Spring Member's Meeting was
April 14-17th 2016 at the NC Arboretum in Asheville, NC

2015 Past Events
Saturday before Mother's Day May 2015  Downtown Hickory Farmer's Market
Sold orchids ready for giving to mothers and special women for Mother's Day
Alexander Co. Garden Club, Taylorsville, NC
Gave talk on orchids
Hickory Museum of Art
"Enchanted Garden" Fundraiser Event April 2015
Art A la Carte Preview Reception & Luncheon
Ironwood Estate Orchids displayed orchid arrangements, orchid terrariums, mounted orchid, decorative pots,
and hand made pots by Gin Hurley
All were for sale to help the Hickory Museum of Art Guild
We were very thankful to be speakers for the Sandhills Orchid Society in Fayetteville, NC and the Cape Fear Orchid Society in Wilmington, NC in January 2015.
There are super people and orchid growers in those societies.  Thank you for purchasing orchids from us.
  Thank you to everyone who came to our booth at the Southern Spring Home & Garden Show
It is fantastic to hear from people who have previously purchased orchids from us and how successful they have been
It was held Feb 20 - 22 & Feb 27 - March 1, 2015 in Charlotte, NC

Ironwood Estate Orchids sold a wide variety of beautiful beginner and collectible orchids,
orchid pots, orchid supplies, our own orchid mix,
cork for mounting orchids, orchid baskets specific for orchids and more.
Thank you to all the people who came to our booth
and bought orchids and supplies from us at the
Carolina Home & Garden Show in Hickory
on March 13 - 15, 2015
This is our home town and we enjoy continuing to provide our
friends and neighbors with beautiful orchids for their home and orchid collection
Thank you to everyone who came to our booth at the
Western NC Orchid Society Orchid Show
and purchased from us
on March 28 and March 29th, 2015 

The Smoky Mountain Orchid Society Orchid Show and Sale was held in April 2015
at Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville, TN
This was a wonderful orchid show
Thank you to everyone who purchased orchids & pots from us
To continue your purchasing, please come to the greenhouse

New Hope Moravian Church, Hickory, NC
Candle Tea and Bazaar
Sold orchids to many who attended

Reynolda Gardens, Winston Salem, NC
Orchid Show
Sold orchids to repeat customers and new ones

Past Events


Ironwood Estate Orchids held orchid classes at the greenhouse thru the year
and we are a vendor at the Downtown Hickory Farmer's Market in the summer

Reynolda Gardens Orchid Show, Winston Salem, NC  Dec 2014
Have done this event for several years.  Wonderful event, location and people.

New Hope Moravian Church, Sandy Ford Rd, Hickory, NC
Tea and Bazaar Dec 2014 - vendor - have done this for several years. 
It is a great event

WeWin vendor event

Women's Holiday Show at Rock Barn Golf and Spa Nov 2014 - vendor

Women's Leadership event November 2014

Agri Tourism Day October 18 2014 - people toured our greenhouse as a part of the Agri Tourism Day Event
conducted by the Catawba Co Agricultural Extension Office

Ironwood Estate Orchids Sale & Open House September 2014

Speaker at St Johns Lutheran Church Mother/Daughter lunch May 2014

Western NC Orchid Society Orchid Show, NC Arboretum, Asheville, NC
March 2014

Carolina Home & Garden Show, Hickory, NC 
March 2014

Southern Spring Show in Charlotte, NC
Feb / Mar 2014

Ironwood Estate Orchids Sale & Open House February 2014

We are a vendor at the Downtown Hickory Farmer's Market in the summer

Ironwood Estate Orchids first Christmas Orchid Sale was held in Dec 2013.
People bought for their own collection and for Christmas gifts

Gave a talk at a local church in Aril 2013
East Lincoln Community Garden Club Plant Sale
May 2013 at
Webbs Chapel United Methodist Church
Annual Fall Sale and Open House
Was held in September 2013
Many people took advantage of the sale to add to their collection

Annual Valentine's Day Orchid Sale and Open House was held on Saturday February 9th 2013 thru Thursday February 14 2013
at Ironwood Estate Orchids greenhouse
Again this year we were at the Southern Spring Show in Charlotte, NC
It was held on February 28th thru March 3rd  2013
It was held at the Merchandise Mart, now named the Park Expo and Conference Center, in the Green Market in Independence Hall.
As we have done in previous years we were at the
Smoky Mountain Orchid Society Show in Knoxville, Tn
Thank you to all who bought from us.  We had a great show. 
It was held in
March 2013 at West Town Mall, Knoxville, Tn.
Carolina Home & Garden Show in Hickory, NC
The show was at the Metro Center in Hickory, NC in March 2013
As we have done for several years, we sold orchids, providing people with wonderful orchids. 
We had a variety of orchids, good for you whether you are a beginner or an advanced orchid grower.
We explained how to grow the orchid you purchased from us and later if you have a question about the orchid
that you bought from us then you may contact us and we will help you with that question.
Also, we had orchids on display at the show.
We saw many of are our customers from over the years and met new customers.  Thank you for your continued support.
Western NC Orchid Society Orchid Show
Was held at the NC Arboretum, Asheville, NC in March 2013
We were there with our orchids for sale with a wide variety of wonderful orchids.  Especially popular were our older Cattleya orchids
that were wonderfully fragrant.
We help growers know how to grow the orchids that you buy from us.  If you buy an orchid from us and you later have some questions
about how to care for that orchid, then contact us and we will help you with your question.
Caldwell County Master Gardener Volunteer group meeting
Gave a talk on orchids in March 2013

We are a vendor at the Downtown Hickory Farmer's Market in the summer

Carolina Home & Garden Show 2012
Hickory Metro Convention Center, Hickory, NC
MOMS Making a World of Difference March 2012
The Parenting Network presented its second annual Moms: Making a World of Difference
fundraising event at Lake Hickory Country Club.
Special celebration of moms featured an evening of dinner, dancing, and vendors,
a special “honoring” presentation, and a fabulous array of live and silent auction items. 
Ironwood Estate Orchids had orchids decorating each dinner table and sold orchids at the event.
Phyllis Erikson spoke at the
Burke County Master Gardener Volunteer group meeting
in March 2012 at the Burke Co Extension Office
Phyllis' talk was about various varieties of orchids, some of which smell nice, and their care.
Phyllis brought some samples of orchids from the greenhouse & sold orchids at the meeting

Western NC Orchid Society Orchid Show
In March/April 2012 at the NC Arboretum in Asheville, NC
East Lincoln Community Garden Club Plant Sale
April 2012 at Webbs Chapel United Methodist Church
2012 North Carolina Master Gardener Conference
at the Biltmore Doubletree Hotel in Asheville

Southern Spring Show, Charlotte, NC  Feb/March 2012
Thank you to all of you who bought orchids, pots and supplies from us at the show
and to all of those who stopped to say hello.
We look forward to seeing you again.
The 2012 Valentine's Sale & Open House has ended.
Thank you to all that came to the greenhouse, visited and left with wonderful orchids!
International Phalaenopsis Alliance (IPA) Meeting, Hickory, NC January 2012
Thank you to all who came to our greenhouse when you came to the IPA Meeting

We are a vendor at the Downtown Hickory Farmer's Market in the summer

Annual Fall Orchid Sale & Open House September 2011

Gave a talk to a group on orchid culture in Kitakata, Japan April 2011 and talked to individuals on growing orchids

Western NC Orchid Society Show in Asheville, NC  March 2011 received awards for orchids at the show

Carolina Home and Garden Show in Hickory, NC  March 2011

Southern Spring Show in Charlotte, NC in March 2011

Annual Valentines Day Sale and Open House at the greenhouse February 2011

Orchid Show Display at the NC Piedmont Orchid Society Show at Gastonia/Charlotte, NC January 2011

Phyllis Erikson spoke at the Peninsula Orchid Society's meeting in June, 2010. 
Phyllis spoke on Orchid Culture for several major genus of orchids.  Orchids were sold at the meeting.

We are a vendor at the Downtown Hickory Farmer's Market in the summer

Phyllis Erikson spoke at the Deep South Orchid Society's February 8th 2010 meeting. 
Phyllis showed pictures of various orchids from the greenhouse of Ironwood Estate Orchids and talked about their culture
The 2010 Southern Spring Show was in Charlotte, NC March  2010
Ironwood Estate Orchids sold wonderful orchids, beautiful pots and orchid supplies.
Our orchid display won First Place!
The Carolina Home and Garden Show Hickory, NC in March 2010. 
Ironwood Estate Orchids sold wonderful orchids, beautiful pots and orchid supplies and
had a great orchid display at the show.
Ironwood Estate Orchids was at the Western NC Orchid Society Orchid Show and Sale in March 2010.
We had absolutely fantastic orchids that we sold as well as orchid pots, cork, fertilizer and our own blend of orchid potting mix.
Ironwood Estate Orchids won several ribbons for the display and orchids in the display.
Ironwood Estate Orchids participated in the 2010 NC Master Gardener Volunteer Conference in New Bern, NC in April.
There was a very special variety of orchids to choose from as well as decorative pots for the orchids and orchid supplies.
Phyllis sold many orchids, pots and more to the conference participants and met many wonderful people.  It was a great event

We are a vendor at the Downtown Hickory Farmer's Market in the summer

Ironwood Estate Orchids had new classes "Decorating for the Fall and for Christmas with Orchids"
The classes combined an orchid, decorative pot and decorative items to make a Fall or Christmas Orchid arrangement.
These were held for Christmas 2009
Ironwood Estate Orchids along with others in the Independent Business Owners Council participated in the
Business Expo by the Catawba County Chamber of Commerce October 2009
Orchids from Ironwood Estate Orchids decorated each table and were sold to attendees at the
November 2009
Women's Leadership Conference put on by the Catawba County Chamber of Commerce
Garden Lovers Club came to Ironwood Estate Orchids greenhouse November 2009
Ironwood Estate Orchids sold Orchids at the Candle Tea at New Hope Moravian Church on Sandy Ford Rd., Newton, NC
December 2009  This helps raise funds for the New Hope Women's Fellowship
Phyllis spoke on orchids at the Daughter's of the American Revolution (DAR) meeting
December 2009 at the Lake Hickory Country Club
Phyllis spoke on orchids at the Master Gardener Volunteer meeting
December 2009at the McDowell Co. Library in Marion, NC
The Fall Sale and Open House was Oct 2009
Thank you to everyone who purchased and those who attended.
Phyllis Erikson gave a talk on "Orchids in Your Life" October at the 2009 North Carolina
Master Gardner Volunteer Conference in Mooresville, NC and sold orchids to the
conference attendees.


Southern Spring Show, Charlotte, NC March 2009
Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids and orchid related items at the Southern Spring Show
in Charlotte, NC at the Merchandise Mart on Independence Blvd.  Ironwood Estate Orchids
created a display of orchids for the Southern Spring Show.
Carolina Home and Garden Show, Hickory, NC March 2009
Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids and orchid related items and other plants at the
Carolina Home and Garden Show in Hickory, NC at the Metro Center. 
Ironwood Estate Orchids displayed orchids in the Pavilion area.
Western NC Orchid Society (WNCOS) March 2009
Ironwood Estate Orchids was very pleased to once again be attend the WNCOS Orchid Show at
the NC Arboretum in Asheville, NC. Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids from our collection
of various genera of orchids. We also created an orchid display for the Orchid Show.
East Lincoln Garden Club Plant Sale Saturday April 2009, Denver, NC
The East Lincoln Garden Club held its annual fund raiser plant sale.
Ironwood Estate Orchids returned with fantastic, blooming, people pleasing
orchids and orchid pots, potting mix and fertilizer for orchids. 
Garden Clubs of NC Annual Meeting, April 2009, Hickory, NC
The Annual Meeting of the Garden Clubs of NC was held this year in Hickory, NC at the
Park Inn & Conference Center.  Ironwood Estate Orchids offered the attendees
beautiful orchids, orchid pots, orchid potting mix, fertilizer and more to purchase.
The Feb. 2009 Orchid Sale and Open House for Valentines has concluded.
Thank you to all of you who have bought from us before and bought
again during this sale and thank you to all of you new customers that came.   
Ironwood Estate Orchids displayed orchids at the Triad Orchid Society Orchid Show
in Greensboro, NC in late January 2009 winning awards on orchids and the display.
Ironwood Estate Orchids displayed orchids at the NC Piedmont Orchid Society
Orchid Show in January 2009 winning awards on orchids and the display.


Ironwood Estate Orchids has concluded its 5th Annual Fall Orchid Sale and Open House held earlier in Oct 2008
Thank You to everyone who purchased from us during the Sale  We greatly appreciate your business

The Fall Sale and Open House featured Cattleya Orchids especially special hybrids,
older hybrids, and heirloom Cattleyas for purchase.
This was a great opportunity for orchid collectors to acquire some very special Cattleyas. 
Purchasing was done both at the greenhouse and by phone.

Ironwood Estate Orchids participates in the Downtown Hickory Farmer's Market (DHFM) on Saturday.

Each February Ironwood Estate Orchids holds its Valentines Sale and Open House.  Each year there are orchids in bloom to buy for your sweetheart or yourself as well as many others to bloom later. 
2007 Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids, pots and orchid supplies at the Lenoir Service League Seeds of Service 2007
fund raiser Spring Show & Lunch April 2007 at Cedar Rock Country Club, Lenoir, NC
Ironwood Estate Orchids
was at the Southern Spring Home & Garden Show in Charlotte, NC  February 2007
where we sold orchids and supplies. Visitors came to  our display in the Orchid Pavilion and enjoyed our lovely orchids.
Southern Spring Home & Garden Show
Ironwood Estate Orchids displayed orchids and sold orchids and supplies at the Carolina Home and Garden Show
in Hickory, NC March 2007 at the Hickory Metro Convention Center, Hickory NC
Hardy Chinese Orchids (Bletilla) corms were available to order at the show. 
Plant them in the ground, they are hardy in zones 6-8, are 10" - 12" high and bloom in June - July.


Smoky Mountain Orchid Society Spring Show and Sale April 2007 West Town Mall in Knoxville, Tennessee
Ironwood Estate Orchids was in beautiful Tennessee for the Spring Show and Sale. People at the show bought a variety of orchids from Ironwood Estate Orchids for the avid orchid collector and the novice as well as a selection of orchid and decorative pots, fertilizer, and potting mix of our own blend for their Spring repotting. 
We also had an award winning display of orchids.


Service League of Lenoir, NC fundraiser April 2007 Cedar Rock Country Club, Lenoir, NC
The Service League of Lenoir held a fundraiser to help others in the area.  Ironwood Estate Orchids was there selling orchids, orchid and decorative pots, fertilizer and potting mix of our own blend.

Cattleya Orchid Extravaganza
Ironwood Estate Orchids had a sale and showing of Cattleya orchids. The Cattleyas, commonly called the corsage orchid, have beautiful blooms in many colors and color combinations and some are very fragrant. Also in the sale were Phalaenopsis, Dendrobiums, Oncidiums, Miltonias, Brassias, mounted equitants, mounted Bulbophyllums, Neofinetia (mounted and potted), Angraecums, Cycnoches, Catasetum, Epidendrum, Grammatophyllum, Dendrochilum filiforme, Schomburgkia themsoniana, Vandas, Philippine orchids, and many others.

2005 Hickory Farmers Market in downtown Hickory.

We will be selling orchids at the Farmers Market in 2005 Summer

Art in the Shop
Ironwood Estate Orchids
sold orchids at this gathering of artists, musicians and food. 
October 2005

Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids at the St Luke's United Methodist Church Annual Autumn Jubilee Arts & Crafts Gift Show with Silent Auction

November 2005
A portion of sales go to the Christian Aid Fund.


Ironwood Estate Orchids had a booth at the Fall 2005 Wedding Show at Belk’s in Hickory, NC
Brides saw orchids they can use in their weddings, at rehearsal dinners, and wedding receptions.  Brides, start planning now with Ironwood Estate Orchids to buy or rent orchids for your wedding. August, 2005 at eh Belk’s store at Valley Hills Mall in Hickory, NC

7th Annual Hickory’s Heritage Furniture Festival

Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids at this event
August 2005 Catawba Furniture Mall in Hickory, NC on Highway 70 west

Greater Charlotte Home & Interior Design Show

Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids at this event.
August 2005 Cabarrus Arena,Concord, NC

Garden Clubs of NC 80th Annual Convention
Ironwood Estate Orchids had a booth selling orchids to the convention attendees. April

Past Classes
You are invited to take part in a class on How to Care for Your Orchids.
Title: I have an Orchid! So now what do I do with it?  The location is Ironwood Estate Orchids greenhouse at 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC 28602  e-mail:  

Master Gardner Club in Salisbury, Phyllis is speaking on orchids at the meeting April
Master Gardner Club in Hickory is meeting at Ironwood Estate Orchids greenhouse April
Master Gardner Club of Caldwell, Phyllis is speaking on orchids at the meeting in Lenoir June 

Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids at Daniel Stowe. April  2005

Smoky Mountain Orchid Society  2005 Spring Show and Sale.  Showing and selling orchids.
West Town Mall in Knoxville, Tennessee, April 15 – 17th 2005.  Ironwood Estate Orchids display won a ribbon and individual orchids won blue ribbons.  Thank you to the many people who bought orchids from us and who came by to talk with us and ask us questions about their orchids.  Thank you to the members of the Smoky Mountain Orchid Society for their gracious hospitality and helping us put in and take out our display and booth.

April 9th Phyllis Erikson from Ironwood Estate Orchids was a speaker at the Catawba Science Center’s Rainforest ALIVE!. Phyllis spoke on orchids and what countries they come from. She showed several orchids and told what countries that orchid is native to as well as told some interesting anecdotes about the orchids.
The Rainforest ALIVE! will run from February 5th – May 8th 2005

Ironwood Estate Orchids hosted the Hickory Pond Society for their monthly meeting.  Phyllis talked to them about several different orchids and their care.

Carolina Home and Garden Show in Hickory
, Ironwood Estate Orchids displayed orchids around a waterfall as well as sold orchids at the show in March.  People enjoyed the orchid display and bought orchids and decorative pots.

The Southern Spring Show was held in Charlotte, NC March.  Ironwood Estate Orchids sold orchids to the show attendees and had a display in the Orchid Pavilion which won a blue ribbon for the display, as well as winning blue ribbons on individual orchids.

2005 Wedding Show at Belk’s in Hickory, NC

Ironwood Estate Orchids had a booth at the Wedding Show at Belk’s in Hickory, NC.

Phyllis gave a talk on orchids to the West Hickory citizens group.

WHKY First Talk show by Hal Row
Phyllis Erikson was a guest on the Hal Row First Talk radio show on Monday February 7th from 8:00 – 9:00 am.
Phyllis and Hal had a conversation about orchids and Phyllis took callers questions.

The Feb 2005 Open House was a great success. 
Thank you to the many many people that attended and purchased orchids. We look forward to seeing you again.

Classes were held in 2005

Ironwood Estate Orchids participated in "Art in the Shop 2004," an annual day of art and music in Taylorsville, NC, at the base of Barrett's Mountain.

2004 Belk Wedding Show. Sunday afternoon event at Belk in Hickory will demonstrate how orchids can be used for weddings. There will be food and music as well.

July 2004: Ironwood Estate Orchids participated in Hickory's Heritage Furnishings Festival.



Ironwood Estate Orchids participated in "Art in the Shop 2003."


In the News

Hickory Daily Record published an article about Phyllis and the business.


Orchid Growers Rating / Evaluation System listed Ironwood Estate Orchids as a 5 (on a scale of 1 to 5) for service and products.

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Last modified 2/16/2025
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