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Shipping:  The shipping charge to the customer is exactly what the shipping cost is, plus $10 for boxing.  (more for very large boxes) 
Picture Description Size Price


Dendrobium amethystoglossum  Grows in Philippines. Give it a 60 degree chill for a week to initiate buds.  Canes will loose some leaves.  New growth comes out in Spring This has a medium height slender cane, cluster of small light amethyst flowers/ darker lips hang down from cane like a chandelier One 4" pot
In bud
$45 See shipping info. above

Small yellow blooms that are between
the leaf axis.  Fragrant, Sum-Fall

Dendrobium anceps
Grows in Asia with a small bloom. Sum & Fall, little Fragrant. Needs Cool, Drier rest in Winter & no fertilizer until new growth starts in Spring
The most interesting feature of this plant is the plant itself.  It is rick rack or zig zag type flat leaves.  Looses some leaves during the year. Grows pendant
Should have a cool, dry rest in the Winter & no fertilizer till Spring.  Can grow mounted
Check with us to see what is currently available   See shipping info. above
Lavender blooms, narrow petals with trumpet
or tube shaped lip with distinctive dark
lavender center.  Comes out closely from cane
Dendrobium anosmum
Long Pendulous canes, large growing, deciduous, We grow it hotter in day, cooler at night,
Must have a dry period from October until new growth comes in the Spring, then water & fertilize heavily, blooms in spring all along the leafless canes at the nodes.
Has a sweet fragrance.  Need to allow pot or mount to grow the long canes.

Dendrobium anosmum 4N

Dendrobium superbum (synonym of anosmum) 'Hono Hono'
All of the Hono Hono are topped with live Spanish moss
4" Vanda baskets

One 6" Vanda basket
Several long pendant cane like growths

4" pots

4" Vanda Baskets
6" Vanda Basket
8" round mesh basket





See shipping info. above
Blooms hang down in a cluster
from the plant. 
Large yellow center
Dendrobium farmerii

These are divisions of an older, mature plant.
5" -6" Clay Orchid Pot $65 See shipping info. above

Dendrochilum glumaceum
Blooms from new growths
Thin wide upright leaves.
Bloom spike cascades down from leaf axis and buds open progressively down to tip
4" pots
$45 See shipping info. above
  Micro Mini Plants Dendrobium jenkensii (aka Den aggregatum var. jenkensii)  Miniature, yellow, has really neat flat bumpy pseudobulbs, blooms 1", late winter/early spring Mounted on tree fern fiber
Have one
This is several divisions from larger plant placed vertically on the mount

Two pots, several growths

See shipping info. above
This is a happy 2" bloom
Has a light color toward lavender petals and a broad frilly/notched lip with a sunshine orange center
Dendrobium loddigesii 
Miniature plant, Grow cool,  Keep on dry side in the Winter  Water & Fertilize in Spring / Summer  Has long lasting sweet fragrant blooms Feb-June at nodes of leafless canes
Mounted on tree fern fiber
Mounted on wire

See shipping info. above

Dendrobium Micro Chip
These grow as Small size plants
One 3" pot Mature $45 See shipping info. above
  Dendrobium Norma Jackson x lineale
Upright spikes of attractive and unusual plum colored antelope-eared blooms.  Vigorous growing plants
3" pots, young strong growing plants $25 See shipping info. above
Lavender / Pink petals with a Yellow / white and
lavender trumpet shaped lip 
for more
information and pictures
Dendrobium pierardii
Is aphyllum  Vietnam type
Pendulous, cane, blooms which can be at any time mostly happen Winter / Spring from nodes of older leafless canes, Fragrant flowers.  Drier winter rest with no fertilizer-resume water/fertilizer after see new growth
This is in a 6" mesh basket and has many pendant canes
Good plant

See shipping info. above

Striking orange blooms

Dendrobium unicum      
The Unique Dendrobium  From Vietnam, Laos, Myanman and Thailand
Deciduous to Semi-deciduous
Miniature growing plant 
A lessening of water and fertilizer is beneficial through the onset of winter but in the last 2 months water should be reduced even more and fertilizer eliminated until new growths arise in the spring  Have small orange blooms
This is a division of an old plant
It is growing in a 6" vanda basket
$55 See shipping info. above
  Dendrobium fimbriatum  These are growing warm in the day and cool at night.  Pendulous, deciduous canes, general blooming time March thru May. Water heavier in Summer and some water in Winter.  Allow for pendant growth  Yellow to a bit orange, Bright color Very wide deeply notched/frilled lip with dark center SOLD    
  Dendrochilum magnum  Blooms from new growths  Bloom spike cascades down from leaf axis and buds open progressively down to tip SOLD    
Dendrobium Chocolate Antlers (Den. gouldii x Den. tangerinum)  Primary hybrid
Medium height cane like growth Twisted petals - Antelope style bloom
Golden / bronze

Dendrobium sylvanum x self  Large size, hot growing, Fall/Winter blooming, long spike, long lasting blooms, curled petals SOLD
Long-lasting white flowers with pair of yellow/green petals that stand straight up,  Lip has ruby/violet veining pattern.
Antelope style Dendrobium
Dendrobium Samarai (Den. stratiotes x Den. antennatum) 
A 1967 primary hybrid
Cane like plant, long-lasting white flowers with pair of yellow/green petals that stand straight up,  Lip has ruby/violet veining pattern.
Reduce watering in cool months.
Not available  

 Happy ruffled medium size multi tone  orange blooms

Dendrobium Gold Star 'Orange Royal' (Den Golden Blossom x Bright Star) SOLD    

See wikipedia for picture and description of this species orchid

Dendrobium thyrsiflorum SOLD    
Red upright blooms along the cane like spike Dendrobium faciferum
Grows in hot temps, has canes, blooms even from leafless canes
Several white flowers on cascading flower spike.  Fragrant - Vanilla Dendrochilum cobbianum  Philippine,
Spring and Fall bloomer   Several white flowers on cascading flower spike.  Fragrant - Vanilla
Compact Antelope Type Den.  Curly purplish petals and sepals. Long lasting, twice a year Dendrobium Luwin Park 4N x Greg Scott Compact Antelope Type Den.  Curly purplish petals and sepals. Long lasting, twice a year Grow warm and Bright Light, Antelope Type SOLD    
Rosy pink petals with darker lip Dendrobium Adrasta Star   (Den. anosmum x Den. cucullatum (aphyllum) )
Pendulous canes
Long thin flower spike and the blooms cascade down.  Very good fragrance, long lasting blooms.  Blooms spring and fall Dendrochilum magnum 
Native to the Philippines, has round pseudobulbs with a tall thin wide leaf, long thin flower spike and the blooms cascade down.  Very good fragrance said to be spicy , long lasting blooms.  Blooms spring and fall
White, over 1 1/2" Dendrobium candidum  Miniature plant, thin canes, deciduous, Spring Summer long lasting fragrant blooms SOLD    
Dendrobium nobile Purple with White Sold
Dendrobium chrysanthum Sold
Dendrobium junceum Sold
Dendrobium nemorale  From Luzon Island, the Philippines, small to medium sized, compact, blooms in the spring, 1 to 4 flowers under 2" Sold
Dendrobium Somkiat Blue  Antelope type Dendrobium   It is a lavender to blue  Sold
  Dendrobium crumenatum   The Purse Shaped Dendrobium  & The Pigeon Orchid 
Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Sri Lankha, Andaman Islands, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas, Sulawesi, Sumatra, New Guinea, Christmas Islands and the Philippines
Yellow blooms Dendrobium Yellow Song 'Canary' Sold  


Orchid Classes:  Learn how to grow, care for and bloom your orchids
 Ironwood Estate Orchids is conducting Beginner and Hands on Repotting Classes
Click Here for Class Dates  New 2025 Dates Are Here !!!
See our New Pots for Orchids   Pots
Purchase by visiting the greenhouse at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602
By appointment
e-mail to or
calling us at (828) 294-3950 or (828) 238-3604 cell
or writing to us at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602

Thank you to each of our customers!
It is you who make this a business and a wonderful experience.
We invite you to come to the greenhouse (by appointment) and
enjoy the ever changing environment of blooms, plant growth and orchid offerings.
Dale and Phyllis Erikson  Still growing and enjoying orchids after more than 30 years

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Last modified 2/16/2025
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