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Paphiopedilums or 'Lady Slipper' Orchids are some of the easiest orchids to grow in the home.  These, especially the mottled leaf ones, require less light.  Their leaves are very pleasing, even when the orchid is not blooming.  The plants grow slowly and bloom from the new growth.  The mottled leaves vary in the definition of the mottled pattern, some are lighter and some darker.
 So purchase several of these orchids below and have yourself a very enjoyable collection.
Picture Description Size Price Shipping

Paph. delenatii album x lowii album

Will be a combination of these two parents
One bloomed & sold with white petals & lip and the shape of lowii.  Multiple blooms
One 4" pot
One 5" pot
See shipping info. above

Multifloral Yellow

Paph. Dollgoldi 'Pisgah'
(rothschildianum x armeniacum)
Two 5" pots
One 4" pot
See shipping info. above
 Solid Leaf type Paph Joseito x Paph lowii album 
Parents of Joseito are (Nike's Sunny Delight x Pinocchio)  Yellow/green with paddle/spoon shaped petals 
A very happy looking bloom
Successive blooming
Easy growing, keep moist
4" pot $55 See shipping info. above
Paph. Pisgah Pinocchio (Paph. John Sutter x Pinocchio) This is successive blooming -  it blooms, fades, and another bloom comes out on same bloom spike One 5" pot

Paph. Pisgah Prayer
(Praying Angel x rothschildianum)
One 4" pot $45

See shipping info. above

Paph. Prince Edward of York  (rothschildianum x sanderianum)
1898 hybrid by Sanders
One 2 1/4" pot
One 2 1/4" pot
One 2 1/4" pot
See shipping info. above
Paph. Saint Swithin (Paph. philippinense ‘Select’ x Paph. rothschildianum ‘Trinity’ AM/RHS) 
Solid leaf. 
Great addition to your Paph. collection
philippinense subgenus
rothschildianum subgenus
Picture is of a past one in bloom
Not quite ready See shipping info. above
Cascading petals with some twists, markings similar to philippinense Paph. Weather Vane (Paph. Maudiae x Paph. philippinense) Two 4" pots $55 See shipping info. above
Paph. Pisgah Green (Hilo Green Mountain x Mem. Brayden Nicholson)
Mottled Leaf   Large apple green blooms with striped dorsal  Blooms are Green with striped dorsal-striking combination 
Picture is bloom just about open

We find these to be easy to grow and bloom
Have one
Mature 4" pot
$55 See shipping info. above
Phrag. besseae 'Krull-Smith' x kovachii One 6" pot $150 See shipping info. above

Very colorful bloom
Red/Orange with yellow  in the lip  Tall bloom spikes

Phrag. Don Wimber 'Red #3' (
Eric Young 4N x besseae)
1995 highly awarded hybrid
One 6" pot

One 6" pot
This one is in spike


See shipping info. above
Bright Orange, yellow on petals and lip Phrag. Eric Young (Phrag. besseae x Phrag. longifolium)  Very desirable Phrag. hybrid
Primary hybrid, blooms 3"-4", sequential bloomer
One 5" pot
in spike
$150 shipping info. above
Darker pink
Phrag. Fritz Schomburg
(Phrag besseae 'Krull Smith x kovachii)
One 5" pot
Four growths
One spike
In bud
shipping info. above
Phrag Geralda (Phrag. caudatum x Phrag. lindleyanum)  1899 hybrid 5" pots $55 See shipping info. above
Red  Rounded petals

Phrag. Glen Decker
(Jason Fischer x kovachii)
One 6" pot
in spike
See shipping info. above
Pink  Rounded petals
Large bloom
Phrag. Haley Decker (kovachii 'Laura' x Saint Ouen) One 5" pot $150 See shipping info. above

Phrag. Incan Embers
(Phrag. Andean Fire x Phrag longifolium)
Have Two 5" pots with more growths
One 5" pot with less growths

See shipping info. above
Phrag. Ingrid Portillia (kovachii x warszewiczianum) Two 5" pots $150 See shipping info. above
Red Phrag Phrag. Jason Fischer (Phrag. Mem. Dick Clements x Phrag. besseae 'Frank Smith')
Good color, good shape blooms
1996 hybrid that has won many many awards
One 5" pot
One 4" pot
See shipping info. above
Phrag. Nitidissiroum  (caudatum x Conchiferum) One 5" pot
Two 5" pots
See shipping info. above
Phrag. Peruflora's Spirit KS0401 (kovachii x Eric Young) One 6"
One 5"
See shipping info. above
Phrag. China Dragon (Phrag. Grande x Phrag. besseae)
Phrag. Grande (longifolium x humboldtii)  1881 hybrid by Veitch SOLD

Solid leaf type
Paph. Zycleon (rothschildianum x Pinocchio)
From rothschildianum you get long petals, also has hairy, spots, lips purplish, dorsal upright and veining and Pinocchio gives successive blooms  Easy to grow
Bloom colors are Green, Mahogany & Yellow, veining and spots  Multifloral Paph. Iantha Stage (rothschildianum x sukhakulii)  Mottled leaves  Bloom colors are Green, Mahogany & Yellow, veining and spots  Multifloral SOLD
Paph. Hideki Okuyama (malipoense x glanduliferum)  Multifloral
Has green, veining, narrow petals
Solid leaf type Paphiopedilum (Lacewing x Emerald Sea) x Green Valley SOLD    
  Paphiopedilum Lacewing x Emerald Sea SOLD    
Paph. lowii 'Dotty' x self SOLD
Paph. Pinicchio x moquetianum 'Orchidheights' SOLD
Phrag. Mont Fallu  (longifolium x Leslie Garay) SOLD
Phrag. Schroderae 'Coos Bay' AM/AOS (Phrag. caudatum x Phrag. Sedenii)
1882 hybrid by Veitch
Phrag. Bouley Bay (Phrag. Eric Young x Phrag. Leslie Garay) SOLD
Phrag. Professor Braem SOLD
Phrag. Belle Hougue Point (Eric Young x caudatum) SOLD
Solid Leaf type
Yellow with dark red striping on petals and spots inside lip
Paph. Guenther Dankmeyer (malipoense x Lippewunder)  Parents of Lippewunder are Anja x Memoria Arthur Falk  1989 hybrid
Picture is early after opening  Was in bloom March - May
Leaves have dark reddish striping from leaf base and flaring up
 Our experience is longer lasting blooms Paph. superbiens  Mottled Leaf  SOLD
Mottled leaf Paph. Delrosi (rothschildianum x delenatii)  delenatii subgenus Parvisepalum
rothschildianum subgenus
Beautiful Pink with distinctive dark veining and narrow petals
Paph. godefroyae fma. alba SOLD
Paph. Clair de Lune 'Edgard Van Belle' AM/AOS (Emerald x Alma Gevaert) 
Maudiae type Very special classic 1927 hybrid Paph.  Grows very well. Beautiful bloom
Solid Leaf type
Bloom has green, burgandy, rosy, stripes and spots/warts
Paphiopedilum Transvaal (Paph. chamberlainianum x Paph. rothschildianum)  Primary hybrid  This is a 1901 hybrid originated by W. Appleton.  See SOLD
Expect long petals from the sanderianum in Booth's Sand Lady and straight upright dorsal from rothschildianum
Outcome is special
Paph. Shin-Yi Princess (rothschildianum x Booth's Sand Lady)  Expect long petals from the sanderianum in Booth's Sand Lady and straight upright dorsal from rothschildianum
Outcome is special
It is a bulldog type of bloom.  Mahogany Paph. Frank Pearce 'Windrog' AM/AOS x Paregel 'Palmarston' SOLD
A beautiful multifloral bloom, yellow to green with reddish veining, narrow petals  Striking blooms Paph. Harold Koopowitz (malipoense 'Fajen Giant' x rothschildianum 'K-S 3-13')  SOLD
Should see a Bulldog type Paph. in mahogany, red, green/yellow Paph. Oto (Winston Churchill 'Redbult' FCC/AOS x fairrieanum 'Red')   Bulldog type  none    
Paph. Pisgah Goldilocks (Wayne Booth x moquettianum)  Multifloral SOLD
Paph. Deedmannianum (chamberlainianum x spicerianum) R387/00
Full plants, sequential bloomer    chamberlainianum subgenus
spicerianum subgenus Paphiopedilum
Bulldog type bloom
Solid leaf
Paphiopedilum Winston Churchill x Paph. (Fashion Flare x Winston Churchill) SOLD    
Paph. Shin Yi's Pride (Paph. Michael Koopowitz x Paph. rothschildianum)
Solid leaf type Paphiopedilum Shin-Yi Prince (Prince Edward of York x sanderianum) SOLD    

Gold with dark mid lines
Paph druryi 'Floradise' HCC/AOS x druryi 'The King' AM/AOS 
druryi is a yellow bloom with a strong mahogany stripe on petals with more markings, shiny, waxy appearance.  These two awarded parents are excellent varieties of druryi.
Long twisted petals, reddish/rust color and yellow with spots.  Veining on dorsal, lip reddish/rust Paph. Taylor Hershey (lowii x Prince Edward of York)  Multifloral SOLD
Paph. Hudson Hyde (Wayne Booth x lowii)
Multifloral  These are large dramatic blooms
Paph. philippenense '#1' x glanduliferum '#1'
Paph. Booth's Sand Lady 'Jim Krull' x rothschildianum 'Krull-Smith' FCC/AOS
Paph. Winston Churchill x Paph. (Peter Black x Mem. Arthur Falk) This is referred to as a Bulldog type Paph. bloom. SOLD
Paph. exul x Conco-bellatulum 'Splendide'  Mottled leaf, faint Originally from Ratcliffs Orchids, known for their breeding of Paphs.  This is from when they were in the US.  exul subgenus Paphiopedilum  Conco-bellatulum subgenus Brachypetalum SOLD
   Paph. Saint Pinot (Paph. Saint Swithin x Paph. Pinocchio 'Halo')  R453 '99 SOLD    
Paph. Spicy Henry (spicerianum x henryanum)  00/R384  Compact Colorful  
spicerianum subgenus Paphiopedilum
henryanum subgenus Paphiopedilum
(Paph. King of Persiah x Hellas) x (Paph Lacewing x Emerald Sea) SOLD
Pink - rose colored, spots on yellow / green background.  Very sweet Paph. Darling 'Christiane' AM/AOS  Mottled leaves  This very pretty Paph. is a 1960 cross between Madame Martinet and lawrenceanum  'Christiane' was awarded in 1973 and 1995  Pink to rose colored, spots on yellow/green background.  Very sweet SOLD
Bloomed a bright yellow (Paph. Happy Hill x Gridlock) x (Paph. Peter Black x Mem. Arthur Falk)  Bulldog type with Winston Churchill in the background  A combination of mahogany, golden yellow, green, white SOLD
Will be a dark color bloom Paph. Pisgah Raisin SOLD
Paph. (Supersuk 'Eureka' AMAOS x Raisin Pie 'Hsinying') x sib Current Plant SOL
Paph. rothschildianum x Paph. Wayne Booth 'Orchidheights' SOLD
Paph. Hung Sheng Cape (stonei x anitum  also called adductum)  Multifloral blooms, well above plant, long petals , raised spots called warts on petals and veining SOLD
Paph. Wayne Booth (Paph. rothschildianum x Susan Booth) SOLD
Paph. Flying Colours (Paph. Timbrel x Paph. Cadence)  Solid leaf  Bulldog style SOLD
Paph. Jewelled Tapestry      15966  Parents are acmodontum x hirsutissimum        Mottled leaf  acmodontum subgenus Sigmatopetalum  hirsutissimum subgenus Paphiopedilum SOLD
  Paph. Lady Isabel 'Dark Eyes' x supardii 'Awoo'  Solid leaf  supardii subgenus Polyantha SOLD    
Paph. Lady Isabel 'May' (stonei x rothschildianum) x Paph. wilhelminiae 'Select'    R456 '99  Solid leaf  stonei subgenus Polyantha  rothschildianum subgenus Polyantha  wilhelminiae subgenus Polyantha SOLD
Paph. malipoense 'Joyous Gard' x moquetteanum 'Autuma'  R389  Dark, stiff, mottled leaves, purple underneath  This is a picture that I took of one of ours - great color bloom  malipoense subgenus Parvisepalum  moquetteanum subgenus Paphiopedilum SOLD
  Paph. [(philippinense var lavig. (laevigatum) x haynaldianum) x philippinense]   R487/99  Solid leaf  philippinense subgenus Polyantha  haynaldianum subgenus Polyantha SOLD    


Paph. Redezelle 'Treasure' x Paph. California Girl 'Royal Majasty' JF1212  Bulldog Paph.  SOLD
Paph. Oberhausens Diamant (primulinum x sanderianum) x Paph. philippinense 'Showy'  Solid leaf 99/R734  primulinum subgenus Cochlopetalum   sanderianum subgenus Polyantha   philippinense subgenus Polyantha                      SOLD
Long twisted petals
Sequential multi floral
Paph. Clifton Booth (St. Swithin x primulinum) x Paph. philippinense  R255 '00  Med Rich Wine - Red and Golden yellow, spots. And as in philippinense, striped dorsal sepal. Clifton Booth is from primulinum x Saint Swithin and has long twisted petals.  Combine this with philippinense's long twisted petals and you get a great show!  philippinense subgenus Polyantha  primulinum subgenus Cochlopetalum SOLD
  Paph. Delrosi (Paph. delenatii x rothschildianum 'Bion' FCC/AOS) K6443
delenatii subgenus Parvisepalum  rothschildianum subgenus
Paph. Pisgah Magic 'Sport' x Lady Isabel 'May'  The first parent is Pisgah Magic 'Sport' which is a 1999 hybrid of Dark Spell and Pacific Magic.  The second parent is Lady Isabel 'May' SOLD
Paph. Calan the Rozel  From Crystal Orchid Collection Series B   Bloomed Jun SOLD
Paph. Lady Isabel #1 (stonei x rothschildianum) x Paph. niveum 'Snowflake'   R353 '00  Pink w/ stripe  These have been easier to grow, multiply than many other Paphs. May be a good choice for you.  stonei subgenus Polyantha    rothschildianum subgenus Polyantha   niveum subgenus Brachypetalum Light Mottled leaf
Grows very well
  Paph. venustum    venustum subgenus Sigmatopetalum Sold    
Paph. Isabel Booth (Paph Lady Isabel 'Rose Beauty' x Paph. philippenense 'AWOO' AM/AOS)  #R444    Long solid leaves, Yellow/green and red with long twisted petals.  Multiple blooms that open sequentially  philippinense subgenus Polyantha Sold
Paph. Moustache (Paph. philippinense x Paph. Saint Swithin) R257
philippinense subgenus
  Paph. Oberhausens Diamant (primulinum x sanderianum) x Paph. philippinense #4 'Snowy' 99/R603  primulinum subgenus Cochlopetalum   sanderianum subgenus Polyantha   philippinense subgenus Polyantha None    
Paph. Pinocchio Album x Paph. Lemora 'Celebration' AM/RHS  
R306  '02       several growths  Pinocchio is a multi-floral Pap
Paph. Temptation (philippinense #5 x kolopakinqii 'Palm')  R346/00  Long green leaves See the long twisted petals which comes from both parents philippinense subgenus Polyantha   kolopakinqii subgenus Polyantha Sold    
Paph. King Arthur 'Bourogne' (Bingleyense x Monsieur de Curte)  #RXO12  Solid leaves with purple color at the base of the leaves Appreciates more light Sold

Paph. In-Charm Lipstick #1 x Paph. California Girl 'Sweetie'   JF1384  Complex Bulldog Sold
Paph. dianthum   dianthum comes from SW China & N Vietnam    Multifloral  Green with twisted petals  dianthum subgenus Polyantha Sold
Paph. Armeni - White (delenatii #2 'Fair Rosamund' x armeniacum 'Superb')    R391/00   and Paph. Armeni - White (armeniacum x delenatii)    R391/00    subgenus Parvisepalum Sold
  Paph. delenatii (cv. 'Summer Cloud' x cv. 'Super Nova')  MP850
grows hot to warm, blooms late fall or winter  to early spring, 1 or 2 flowers, less watering Jan - May  water heavy from June - Dec , not kept damp, fertilize all year.  
delenatii subgenus Parvisepalum
  Paph. charlesworthii x gratrixianum     R462/00
charlesworthii is from India, Myanamar, Thailand, and southwestern China in deep shade, cool to warm growing  gratrixianum is from southeastern Laos and Northern Vietnam   Water year round, keep humid  
subgenus Paphiopedilum
Solid leaf w/ red @ base of leaves 
Paph. Conco-bellatulum 'Sea Spray' x sib 'Drift'  R342/11
If you are looking for a small plant when mature, this is like that. 
subgenus Brachypetalum
Paph. Hsinying Citron '#7' x Hsinying Citron '#26'  yellow, green, white  Sold
Paph. malipoense  Lithophyte from southern China, north and south Vietnam
Picture is of the bloom opening in February  malipoense subgenus
Paph. Marcella Noble (sukhakulii x stonei) 14496  Bloom time  June/July/Aug  It is a wonderful plant  sukhakulii subgenus Sigmatopetalum stonei subgenus Polyantha Sold
Paph. moquetteanum (cv. 'Ronald Lee' HCC/AOS x cv. A woo' AM/AOS)
moquetteanum subgenus
Paph. Mountain Meadow 'Absinthe' x Paph. Stone Lovely '200'
Paph. Stone Lovely 'First' x Paph. Sorcerer's Stone 'Sweet Heart' 1885
Picture is of this plant when it bloomed
Paph. philippinense x self from Philippines & Borneo  philippinense has a brown, purple, yellow green striped bloom almost 9" with long twisted petals in summer - fall on a tall bloom spike with 3-5 blooms.  Solid, long leaves - Multi floral Very attractive, hot growing
philippinense subgenus
Paph. Stella Lim (delenatii #82 'Daybreak' x Paph. platyphyllum 'Ruth Kennedy AM/AOS) PO587   Pink  delenatii subgenus Parvisepalum  platyphyllum subgenus Paphiopedilum Sold
Paph. Pisar (concolor x delenatii) concolor subgenus Brachypetalum delenatii subgenus Parvisepalum Sold
Paph. Nowara 'Newcomer' AM/AOS x New World 'Deception' Solid leaf
Paph. Mem. Larry Heuer (Paph. malipoense x Paph. emersonii)  Fragrant    Bud/Bloom June/July  malipoense and emersonii Parvisepalum subgenus Sold
       Paph. Jerry Spence (Berenice x rothschildianum)  Berenice is lowii x philippinense  See above for our Paph. Berenice 'Lady Luck' x rothschildianum 'Fox Crest'  Expect long twisted petals - not so long as a straight philippinense, with some warts and vini color and striping in dorsal sepal.  rothschildianum subgenus Polyantha Sold
Paph. British Bulldog 'Jubilie' x Paph Flying Hero 'Supreme'
Originally from Ratcliffs Orchids,
Bulldog style Solid leaf
           Paph. gratrixianum ('Birchwood' x sib)  This has bloomed with two spikes.
 There was similarity between this and the charlesworthii x gratrixianum It bloomed for a long time.   
gratrixianum subgenus Paphiopedilum
Paph. William Mathews 'Quist's var' x curtisii 'Solent' 14886  curtisii subgenus Sigmatopetalum SOLD
Paph. William Mathews 'Quist's var' x venustum 'Doris' AM/AOS  venustum subgenus Sigmatopetalum None available
  Paph. Paregal Palmerton x Flame of Sunset 'Chilton' Ratcliff cross  spotted, redish SOLD    
Paph. moquetteanum (cv. 'A World of Orchids' AM/AOS x cv. 'Ervin Lee' AM/AOS)   MP125     Has great wavy edged leaves moquetteanum subgenus Paphiopedilum SOLD
Paph. Mildred Hunter 'Ileana' HCC/AOS  AM/RHS x Winston Churchill 'Indomitable' AM/AOS  Complex type hybrid, mahogany-red tones SOLD

Paph. malipoense 'Josh' x delenatii 'Destiny'  beautiful mottled leaves  malipoense subgenus Parvisepalum  delenatii subgenus Parvisepalum SOLD
Paph. (Hsinying Quatal x Duguesclin) x (Hampshire Raven x Macabre) Mottled leaves SOLD
Paph. haynaldianum 'KOS' x Paph. Pinocchio 'Halo' 15890  Solid leaves, Multi floral - twisted petals    haynaldianum subgenus Polyantha SOLD
              Paph. hirsutissumum x hirsutissumum  The Shaggy Paphiopedilum from northeastern India, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and sw China  Cool to warm, shade loving, terrestrial orchid, found in soil on rocks   water all year, Blooms in the spring with a long lasting single flower hirsutissumum subgenus Paphiopedilum SOLD
  Paph. Grouville Bay 'MM' AM/RHS x Paph. Far Pavilions 'Chilton' (Frank Pearce x World Exile) The Far Pavilions is a Ratcliffe cross SOLD    
  Paph. Flying Colours x (Chronicle x Future W)     R407/00  Mottled leaf SOLD    
Paph. delenatii #90 'Clemency" x sib #89 'Melody'  delenatii subgenus Parvisepalum SOLD
Paph. Conestoga (philippinense var laevigatum x concolor var. China 'King of Prussia')  00/R351     Mottled leaf, short, compact growth, sequential   philippinense subgenus Polyantha        concolor subgenus Brachypetalum SOLD
  Paph. (British Bulldog x Exile) x Paph. Hoopla 'Harbor' bulldog style bloom solid leaf SOLD
Paph. Berenice 'Lady Luck' (Paph. lowii and Paph. philippinense) x rothschildianum 'Fox Crest'   Long twisted petals, solid leaf  subgenus Polyantha SOLD

Paph. bellatulum x sib  Small growing plants  Grows best in shade    Do water / fertilize all year bellatulum : The Enchanting Paphiopedilum is from Assam India, Myanamar, Thailand and central and Yunnan China Mottled dark & pale green leaf with purple & spotted on the underside subgenus Brachypetalum SOLD
  Paph. BB 'Questas x (W. Venture x Colonist) 'Tropical'    R16,149  Solid leaf SOLD    
Paph. (Bloody Jack x Flame Arrow) x Maude Raven SOLD    
  Paph. In Charm White x Paph. niveum 'Nae Shun'    White SOLD    
  Paph. Jessie (charlesworthii x feirrieanum 'Voyager')  pink striped flowers w/ down-swept petals,  solid, narrow leaves SOLD    
  Paph. Paregal 'Patriciah' x Paph. New World 'Homestead'  16093 SOLD    
  Paph. Pinocchio 'Halo' x Paph. moquetteanum 'Stacy Richards' AM/AOS   R244 '99 sequential SOLD    
  Paph. spicerianum   Spicerianum is from India, Himalayas, China and grows cool to warm.  Sequential bloomer.  Needs shade & no winter rest.  SOLD    
  Paph. spicerianum x (Hsinying Eyes x Hsinying Velvet) sequential bloomer Green SOLD    
  Paph. (William Mathews x Cyberspace) x (Black Stallion x Starr Beam ) dark vini color SOLD    
  Paph. Susan Booth x St. Swithin   1766   SOLD    
  Paph. rothschildianum 'Big Shoulders' x armeniacum SOLD    
  Paph. Rolfei (bellatulum x rothschildianum 'Charles E' FCC/AOS) MP866 SOLD    
Paph. philippinense (Golden Hornet x Victory)  x self  R731 '99 SOLD
  Paph. Mrs. AW Sutton (Paph. chamberlainianum x Paph. niveum) R359 '00 SOLD    
  Paph. malipoense ( cv. 'Joyous Gard' x cv. 'Tracery') P0511 SOLD    
           Paph. malipoense 'Misty Green' x malipoense 'Corsair' SOLD    
  Paph. (Hsinying Quatal x Duguesclin) x (Bloody Jack x Flame Arrow) Dark color SOLD    
  Paph. haynaldianum haynaldianum is from the Philippines, terrestrial, large sized, warm to hot growing multifloral SOLD    
  Paph. Grouville Bay 'MM' AM/RHS x British Bull Dog 'Top Level' HCC/AOS    16 152 SOLD    
  Paph. delenatii #79 x Conco - bellatulum   P0583 Yellow SOLD    
  Paph. Conestoga (philippinense 'Hunabu' x concolor var. China 'Butter Cream')  00/R303 SOLD    
  Paph. Pinocchio var alba SOLD    
Paph. philippinense var roebelenii SOLD


Paph. Saint Swithin x praestans  This should have a very similar look to Saint Swithin.  Both parents have long twisted petals and stripes SOLD    
  Paph Somers Isles    #15590  Multiple Growths SOLD    
Paph. malipoense (cv. 'Green Giant' x cv. 'Green Stripes')  Green to yellow Mottled with purple underside SOLD
Paph. (Nobuko x Hot Chestnut) 'Fanfare' x (Paph. World Venture x British Bulldog)   #16186 Sold Out    
Paph. Lucille Booth (Paph. Lady Isabel x Paph. primulinum)   R417 '00 SOLD


Paph. Malden Paradise x Paph. Olympion 'Land'  Sequential bloomer SOLD    
  Paph. moquetteanum 'June' x Paph. delenatii #16 'Doubleglow'          Pink not available now    
   Paph. Double Deception (Paph. venustum 'Blatant' x sukhakulii 'Emerald')  31110  Yellow/green , red with spots SOLD    
Paph. (Duguesclin x Singing Minstrel) x Hsinying Maru SOLD    
Dark color blooms Paph. (Eric Meng x Shadow Magic O) x (Incantation x Magic Cherry) SOLD    
  Paph. Black Maud (Maudiae 'Midnight' x Black Rook 'Samisaacs')   SOLD    
Paph. Copper Spice (Coppereare 'Opal' x spicerianum 'Bostock II') SOLD
Paph. (Black Cherry x Red Prince) x (Bloody Jack x Flame Arrow) SOLD
   Paph. appletonianum SOLD    
Paph. Bernice (lowii 'Dragonfly' x philippinense 'Calico')  Solid leaf  SOLD  
Paph (Bertan du x Mulyk's Macabre)   Mature Plant Mottled leaf   Dark color blooms SOLD  
Paph. Charlesworthii 'Mulberry' x Paph Black Velvet  - Light green Mottled leaves  Medium rich wine red    SOLD  
Paph. charlesworthii x (Makuli x Knock Knock) Mottled leaves, faint Some information about charlesworthii: From high elevations in shade in India, Thailand, China, Myanamar. SOLD    
Paph. delenatii #90 'Clemency' x Paph sib #89 'Melody' Mottled leaf, dark purple on back of leaves. SOLD
Paph. delenatii ('OZ' x 'Rands') Mottled leaf   with purple under leaf SOLD
Paph. (Bloody Jack x Flame Arrow) x (Hsinying Quatal x Duguesclin) SOLD
Paph. (Fowlei x Laevigatum) SOLD
Paph. [(Hsinying Maru x Hampshire Raven) x Pulsar] Mottled leaf   Dark color blooms SOLD
Paph. [(Hsinying Web x (Cocoa Cherry x Voodoo Magic)] Mottled leaf   Dark color blooms SOLD
Paph.[(Hsinying Web x Ruby Leopard) x Mulyk's Macabre] Mottled leaf   Dark color blooms SOLD
  Paph. Hsinying Glory '#5' (Tuxido Junction x Macabre) '#1' SOLD    
Paph. Hsinying Maru x (Hampshire Raven x Macabre) SOLD    
  Paph. Hsinying Maru x (Red Flight x Magic Leopard) SOLD    
  Paph. kolopakingii var Topperi Paph. kolopakingii is a large size Paph.  Likes to grow warm, from Borneo.  The blooms have long twisted petals, lip that juts out like a chin and stripes.  "This species hold the distinction of having the most flowers open at once in the genus" This plant has long, solid leaves   Tall single growth SOLD    
  Paph. Masterhold x Red Glory   Mottled leaves  SOLD    
  Paph. Magic Leopard '#10' x callosum '#1' Mottled leaves       SOLD    
  Paph. Magic Leopard '#2' x Anhinga 'HOF Jumbo' Mottled leaves     SOLD    
  Paph. niveum x moquettianum sequential bloomer Well, after many years of growing, then the long waited for blooming, this orchid has sold out.  Sad to see it go.  Hope the new owner enjoys it as much as we have. SOLD    
  Paph Pinocchio (Pinocchio x self)    Solid leaf  bloomed and bloomed again Winner at Orchid Show           SOLD    
Paph. Pinocchio x Paph. bellatulum  Mottled leaf     SOLD  
  Paph. Red  'Spotted Leopard' x Paph. Hsinying Flame 'Roy'  - Mottled leaves SOLD    
Paph. Ruby Mist x Paph. Hsinying Web Mottled leaf   SOLD  
  Paph. Hilo Quatal '#1' x Paph. Magic Leopard 'Voodoo'  - Maudia Type   Mottled leaves SOLD    

Bulldog Paph. Paph. Yerba Buena 'White Cap' x Paph. Gege (or George) Hughes 'Harvest Moon' JF983 SOLD  
Paph. Hellas Westonbirt x Rosados Chilton   Spelling may not be exact  #16,149 & 5,417 Mottled leaf, light SOLD
  Paph. Hilo Ruby '#3' x Paph Hsinying Glory 'Big Ventral' Mottled leaves SOLD    
Paph. Hilo Ruby 'Winery' x Paph. fairrieanum 'Green Giant' Mottled leaves SOLD
Paph. Hsinying Majukun 'Dennis Choice' x lawrenceanum 'Tradition' Mottled SOLD
Paph. (Incantation x Black Buddha) Dark color to some vini color bloom Mottled leaves SOLD
Paph. (Incantation x Black Buddha) x (Incantation x Magic Cherry) Dark color to some vini color bloom SOLD
  Paph. (Incantation x callosum) x (Hsinying Maru x Raisin Pie) Mottled leaves dark vini color & green SOLD    
Paph. [(Incantation x callosum) x Hsinying Web]  Dark color blooms SOLD
Paph. (Incantation x callosum) x Paph. Web Impulse Dark color blooms SOLD
  Paph. Iona (bellatulum x fairrieanum)  R321 '02 Wonderful bloom - Blooms followed by a new bud SOLD    
  Paph. Limelight 'Stars' x Telstar 'Puddles' SOLD    
Paph. Magic Lantern (micranthum 'Ethereal' x delenatii 'Summer Cloud') AZ013 Called a Glorious Pink SOLD
Paph. Magic Leopard '#6' x Hilo Ruby 'XXL' Maudia  Mottled leaves SOLD
Paph. (Makuii - curtisii) - Maudiae x  Maudiae 'Napa Valley' HCC/AOS x sibling   Mottled leaves Several growths   SOLD
  Paph. Minnie May (Paph. Makuli 'Chilton' x Paph venustum) Mottled leaf  Originally from Ratcliffs Orchids, known for their breeding of Paphs.  SOLD
Paph. Sophie (Gowerianum 'Nik' x niveum 'June') Mottled leaves SOLD

Bulldog Paph.   Paph. (Frank Pearce x Kimura's Red) 'A' x Paph. (Tree of Motoo x Hama Chilwin) 'First' JC3850 SOLD

Bulldog Paph. Paph. Pandemonium 'Shock wave' HCC/AOS x Paph. Thunder Mountain 'Monarch Pass' PA4888  SOLD

Bulldog Paph. Paph. Milmoore 'Roman Blood' x Paph. California Girl 'Big Bear' JF857 SOLD

Bulldog Paph. Paph. Sioux 'Blue Jay' x Paph. Western Thunder 'San Andrea' JF1659 SOLD

Bulldog Paph. Paph. Winston Churchill 'Redoubtable' FCC/AOS x Paph. Mach One 'Skipper' JF1367 SOLD
  Paph. sukhakulii x sib  Green w / spot SOLD    
  Paph. [(Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS (William Matthews x sukhakulii) x Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying') x self] Red & green with spots (warts) SOLD    
Paph. Gege Hughes 'Harvest Moon' x Paph. Stone Lovely 'Clean Green' JF1152 SOLD
  Paph. Hellyer 'Green Mint' x Paph Hsining Yosemite 'Holidays' 1162 SOLD    

Paph. King of Sweden 'Crown' x Paph. Stone Lovely 'Clean Green'JF1216 SOLD
Paph. Hsinying Allen (Raisin Pie x Supersuk)  Red w/ spot SOLD
  Paph. Danella 'Chilton' AM/RHS x Paph. Winston Churchill 'Judom'    R410 '00 SOLD    
  Paph. Ho Chi Minh (delenatii x vietnamense) This grows as small sized plants, stiff mottled leaves delenatii as said above is from southern Vietnam vietnamense occurs only in a 200 square mile range in north Vietnam Parvisepalum subgenus SOLD    
  Paph. concolor x concolor var hennisiana  The One Colored Paphiopedilum is from Myanamar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, southwestern China, and northern Vietnam  pleasingly fragrant [apples] flower  These grow as small sized plants  Brachypetalum subgenus SOLD    
  Paph. Gravesiae (argus 'Mastive' x niveum 'Ben')  15682  sequential bloomer  argus subgenus Sigmatopetalum  niveum subgenus Brachypetalum SOLD    
  Paph. Heeder Fladder (primuliunum x godefroyee)   Yellow  Look for variations Picture is of one that has bloomed for us
primuliunum subgenus
Cochlopetalum  godefroyee subgenus Brachypetalum
  Paph. It's Doll (malipoense 'Tall Ship' x Saint Swithin) 99/R6482 Yellow with green, red strips in petals, bulbous lip, multiple blooms open sequentially malipoense subgenus Parvisepalum SOLD    
  Paph. [philippinense 'Dark Swirl' x (Holdenii x Vintners Treasure)] R454/99   A Ratcliff cross  History:  Vintners Treasure parents are (Paph. Kowloon x Paph. callosum)  This was hybridized by Stewart Orchids in 1982  This is a shiny red
This hybrid should be red, hairy with white/red stripes 
philippinense subgenus Polyantha
  Paph. spicerianum x Paph. Conco-bellatulum  00/R382    Expect a wonderful outcome from the combination of these two parents Conco subgenus Brachypetalum  spicerianum subgenus Paphiopedilum SOLD    
Paph. Psyche (bellatulum var album x niveum 'Wrightlink') bellatulum and niveum subgenus Brachypetalum SOLD
Paph. World Leader 'Tito' x World Exile 'Superb'   16156 1-c SOLD

Orchid Classes:  Learn how to grow, care for and bloom your orchids
 Ironwood Estate Orchids is conducting Beginner and Hands on Repotting Classes
Click Here for Class Dates  New 2025 Dates Are Here !!!

See our New Pots for Orchids   Pots
Purchase by visiting the greenhouse at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602
By appointment
e-mail to or
calling us at (828) 294-3950 or (828) 238-3604 cell
or writing to us at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602

Thank you to each of our customers!
It is you who make this a business and a wonderful experience.

We invite you to come to the greenhouse (by appointment) and
enjoy the ever changing environment of blooms, plant growth and orchid offerings.
Dale and Phyllis Erikson  Still growing and enjoying orchids after more than 30 years

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