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We have transitioned over to using Federal Express for shipping

Shipping:  The shipping charge to the customer is exactly what the shipping cost is, plus $10 for boxing.  (more for very large boxes)  
Cattleya Page 1
Description Size



Blc. Hwa Yuan Rose ‘NN’ (Brassavola x Laelia x Cattleya)
5” blooms, Highly fragrant with a delicious rose scent.  Frilly petal, rose-colored blooms, deep burgundy lip with yellow highlights.
Can bloom spring and fall
6" pots
Fully mature
$78.75 See shipping info. above
Rlc. (Was Blc.) Mac Holmes 'Newberry' AM/AOS, HCC/AOS (Rlc. Harlequin x Rlc. Oconee) One 6" pot $78.75 See shipping info. above 

Rl.c (Was Blc.) Owen Holmes 'Orchidheights' (Rlc. Harlequin x Rlc. Oconee)
One 7 1/2" pot $85 See shipping info. above 

Cattleya (Was Lc.) Lea Carter  
(C. Barbara's Delight x C. Mattie Shave)   
A 1982 hybrid    Beautiful blooms
This is very Fragrant
6" divisions from a large old plant $75 See shipping info. above

Rlc. (Was Blc.) Magic of Mishima 'Volcano Queen'
 (Blc. Fred Stewart x Lc. Drumbeat 'Volcano Queen') 
 Fragrant  Tones of lavender, red, yellow
One 6" pot
One 8" with lots of growths

See shipping info. above

Blc. Jerri Ann Richard 'Ruby Lips'  (Lc. Drumbeat x Emily Shupe)  
Beautiful multi tone lavender   Wonderful Fragrance
One 6" pot
One 6 1/2" pot Very Full

One 7" pot
One 7" pot
8" pots

See shipping info. above 

C. (Was Lc.) Drumbeat 'Heritage' CCE/AOS, CCM/AOS, HCC/AOS
(C. Bonanza x C. Horace)
1967 Stewart hybrid
Large plant
7 1/2" pot
$90 See shipping info. above

C. (Was Lc.) Everett Dirksen
(C. George Baldwin x C. Nigrescent)
One 6 1/2" pot $78.75 See shipping info. above

C. Horace 'Maxima' AM/AOS
(C. trianae x C. Woltersiana)
C. Horace is a 1938 cross.  It has been greatly used in hybridizing. Lavender.  Famous parent which imparts excellent round shape but is recessive for color - eg Blc Goldenzelle. 

8" pot
6" pots


See shipping info. above
Lc.(Now C.) Betty Ford 'York' AM/AOS (Nigrescent x Barbara's Delight) 
Large wonderful blooms 
Winter bloomer  Very Fragrant Large Blooms
One 6 1/2"
6" pot
See shipping info. above

C. (Was Lc.) Elizabeth Off 'Sparkling Burgandy' FCC/AOS, AM/AOS
(C. Dinard x C. Fred Sander)
This is an FCC awarded orchid
One 6" pot $85 See shipping info. above
  Rlc. (Was Blc.) Ronald's Canyon 'Koko Head' AM/AOS (Rlc. Ronald Hausermann x Rlc. Bryce Canyon) Have one 6" pot
3 Growths
$78.75 See shipping info. above

Similar to picture
Rlc. (Was Blc.) Ronald Hausermann 'Carl' AM/AOS (Rlc. James Hausermann x Rlc. Memoria Roselyn Reisman) One 5" pot
Strong Growth
$55 See shipping info. above
These are very large two tone lavender blooms.  Can become a spectacular specimen plant.  Cattleya John Bishop 'Lines'
(C. Mira x C. Thetis)

These are very large two tone lavender blooms.  Can become a spectacular specimen plant. 
These are divisions
Originally came from Lines
This is a very old 1962 hybrid
5 growths 8"
7 growths 8"
See shipping info. above 

Lc. (Lc. Rolf Altenburg x C. Horace)  
This is a cross with the famous Rolf Altenburg from Lenettes
Very Fragrant  Large Blooms
Now named Cattleya Newberry Horace
We now have two 8" pots to offer
Great plants
$95 See shipping info. above 

Pot. (Now Rlc.) Mitsuo Akatsuka
(Rlc. Ikuko Akatsuka x Rlc. Fred Stewart)
Large blooms
6" pots $75 See shipping info. above

Pot. (Now Rlc.) Ikuko Akatsuka
(Rlc. Hisako x C. Susan Holguin)
Large blooms  Short Compact Plant
One 6" pot $85 See shipping info. above
Kathryn Leahey AM/AOS  x Cattleya Irene Finney AM/AOS
in bloom in Oct/Nov

Both parents have been classified as Lc.
Parents of C
Kathryn Leahey
(Lc. Targate x Lc. Bonanza  1962)

One 6" $65 See shipping info. above

Blc. Hausermann’s Holiday ‘Christmas’ AM/AOS
(James Hausermann x Lisa Irene) 

Beautiful very large dark lavender ruffled blooms with large ruffled darker lavender and yellow lips. 
Winter, usually December.    
Very Fragrant
Large Blooms
One 6"
Two 4" pots


See shipping info. above

Large, two tone lavender blooms! 
Has large yellow in frilled lip
Round Flower is about 5"-6" across.

C. (Was Lc.) Irene Finney ‘Spring Bounty’ AM/AOS HCC/AOS
(Bruno Alberts x C. J.A.Carbone)  
This is a 1964 cross 
Large, two tone lavender blooms!  Flower Size is about 5"-6" across.
Spring Blooming Lavender               Wonderful Fragrance
6" pots $78.75 See shipping info. above

Large magenta

Rlc. (Was Blc.) Myrtle Beach 'Newberry' AM/AOS
(C. Pacific x Rlc. Oconee)
One 6" pot $78.75

See shipping info. above

Lavender with yellow in lip Blc. Debby Off 'Lakeview'
(C. Nigritian 'King of Kings' AM/AOS x Bryce Canyon 'Splendiferous' AM/AOS)
6" pots
Only have two now

See shipping info. above

C. Nigritian 'King of Kings Lakeview'
(C. Fred Sander x C. Nigrella)
This is a 1945 hybrid

These are pictures I took of the blooms in 2018
One 8" pot $125

See shipping info. above

  Rlc. (Was Blc.) Bryce Canyon 'Splendiferous' AM/AOS, HCC/AOS x Rlc. Edisto 'Mendenhall' AM/AOS One 6 1/2" pot $78.75

See shipping info. above

  Rlc. (Was Blc.) Mem. Crispin Rosales 'Carmela' AM/AOS
(C. Bonanza x Rlc. Norman's Bay) 
This is an old hybrid done by Bracey in 1959
One 6" pot
One 8" pot
See shipping info. above
Two tone lavender C. (Was Lc.) South Esk 'Catherine'
(C. Elissa x C. Profusion) 1943 hybrid
One 6" pot
5 Growths
$78.75 See shipping info. above
Ruby lavender-golden in lip Rlc. Elegant Dancer 'Rouge' x (Rlc. Oconee x Sunset Sails) 'Paradise Bird'
One 6" pot
Blooms in Dec
$78.75 See shipping info. above

Pink, trumpet shaped lip, narrow petals, pink with dark spots

Bc. Maikai 'Louise' AM/AOS
(B. nodosa x C. bowringiana)
Easy to grow.
5" pots $55 See shipping info. above
  Blc. (Now Rlc) Burdekin Bells x C. Hawaiian Devotion
Rlc. Burdekin Bells parents are C. Princess Bells x Rlc. Sylvia Fry  1985 cross
C. Hawaiian Devotion parents are C. Tiffin Bells x C. Peter's Creek 1998 cross by Kodama
Two 6" pots $65 See shipping info. above
  Cattleya tenebrosa x Cattleya Brazilian Angel One 4" pot $45  

Encyclia polybulbon (Now comes under Dinema)
Small growing-Mini, small leaves, running type growth.
Can grow to make a great specimen
Native to Caribbean
Ours seems to bloom more than once a year and is easy to grow & bloom
Fragrant 1 1/4"  blooms are white & yellow & maroon all on same bloom
One left
On cedar slab and also a Tillandsia
See shipping info. above

Cattleya Species


Cattleya gaskelliana x self
One 8" pot
One 6" pot more growths
6" pots
See shipping info. above

Cattleya loddigesii 'Elen' x 'Martinelli'

Short bifoliate

This is our first bloom from the group
5" pots
Mature plants
$55 See shipping info. above

Very notched lip

Brassavola digbyana 'Margaret Gout'
    See shipping info. above

Guarianthe (Was C.) skinneri 'Casa Luna' AM/AOS, CCM/AOS & more
From Mexico to Costa Rica-national flower.  Grow humid.  Cooler, drier Fall till blooming with more light
Contact us for availability   See shipping info. above
Dark Lavender Laelia purpurata  Now Cattleya One 8" pot $85  
Clean crisp white, frilly petals, frilly trumpet lip C. warneri alba x self 'Newberry' AM/AOS One 6" pot $85 See shipping info. above

C. harrisoniana
These are smaller growing plants
One5" pot
$65 See shipping info. above
  Broughtonia sanguinea
Grows warm with bright indirect light
Larger plant in clay pot $75 See shipping info. above
  Laelia anceps var Guerrero
These are great divisions of larger plant
Growing in Bright Light
Four 4"
Four 5"/6"
See shipping info. above

Primary Hybrid  These are the parents
Petals are waxy, spotted, rosy brown & lip is a striking bright fushia

Cattleya Mareeba Tiger
(C. tigrina x C. schilleriana)
Primary hybrid
Fragrant      Blooms in June

Below we also offer both parents,
 the C tigrina and C schilleriana
5" pots
Blooming size
Good looking plants
4" pots

See shipping info. above
Cattleya bowringiana x self
Two 4" pots
One 6" pot
See shipping info. above

Cattleya bowringiania var coerulea x self
Flowers about 2 1/2".  Fall bloomer
One 4" pot $35 See shipping info. above
see for more information and Cattleya labiata v rubra  x 4N self
This species, as a mature plant, should mostly bloom in fall / early winter with spicy fragrant blooms
Very attractive, intense coloring, Fuller shape & heavy substance
5" pots
More mature plants


See shipping info. above

Cattleya schilleriana
5" pots $55 See shipping info. above

Cattleya tigrina
Native to Brazil, grows warm, mid summer bloomer, Fragrant
In 5" pots
Blooming size
Growing very well
Good looking plants
$55 See shipping info. above
  Brassavola glauca One 4" $55 See shipping info. above
  Brassavola digbyana v fimbrii 'Blanca' x Brassavola digbyana 'Mrs Chase' AM/AOS
Needs to grow in bright light
    See shipping info. above
  Schomburgkia superbiens One 5"
Older plant
$85 See shipping info. above

Wonderful bloom.  Has ruffled trumpet shaped lip, narrow sepals, very delicate light lavender to a pink.

C. Milo (C. maxima x C. mossiae)
This was a 1910 hybrid
This is a primary hybrid

 Full round lavender with wide frilled dark lavender lip with yellow in lip

Blc. (Now Rlc.) Zilzie Fry 'Jay-Kay'
(C. Prophesy x Rlc. Sylvia Fry)


C. (Was Lc.) John Mossman 'Lines-KT9X'  (C. Chickamauga x C. Irving Dietsche) SOLD    
Encyclia cordigera x aromaticum now incumbens SOLD
  Encyclia Jan Ragan (profusa x fowliei)  2018 primary hybrid
Yellow with dark veining and pink veining/stripes in lip
  Brassavola nodosa 4N x nodosa 'Remar' SOLD    


Rlc. (Was Blc.) King of Taiwan 'Ta Hsin' AM/AOS (Rlc. Bryce Canyon x Rlc. Purple Ruby)  purple, large, yellow throat, fragrant SOLD    
  Rlc. (Was Blc.) Mem. Roselyn Reisman 'Lines' FCC/AOS (Rlc. Norman's Bay x C. Elizabeth Off) 1967 hybrid This orchid came from Lines in Tn SOLD    
  C. (Was Lc.) Bonanza 'Oak Hill' (C. Cavalese x C. Prospector) SOLD    
Beautiful deep rich pink / rose.  Round full bloom
Truly a great bloom
C. (Was Lc.) Culminant 'La Tuilerie' AM/AOS, HCC/AOS and more awards
(C. Ile de France x C. Gaillard)  A very old hybrid, registered by Maurice Vacherot in 1957  This has a light pleasant Fragrance


  C. (Was Lc.) Marcie Foster 'Dark Beauty' AM/AOS, HCC/AOS (C. Mamie Eisenhour x C. Frank Lind) 1962 SOLD    
  C. (Was Lc.) Bonanza 'Perfection'   (C. Cavalese x C. Prospector) SOLD    
  C. (Was Lc.) Bonanza 'Mildred Wagner'
(C. Cavalese x C. Prospector)
Prosyclia (Prc.) Tamelea (Encyclia tampensis x Psh. cochleate)
Amazing Primary hybrid
  Encyclia cordigera var roseum  From Mexico and more Winter and spring, fragrant flowers that bloom from the mature pseudobulb  SOLD    
  Cattleya walkeriana coerulea x alba
A combination of coerulea form and alba form Fragrant Compact - lateral growth habit This will need regular misting to keep it sufficiently hydrated
  Encyclia alata  This species was identified in 1914.  Found from Mexico to Costa Rica.  Grow hot to warm.  Honey-sweet Fragrance on Spring 2"-2 1/2" blooms (although we have had blooms later in the year)  Grows multiple growths with a cute round pseudobulb.  SOLD    


Lc. (Now Cattleya) Everett Dirksen (C. George Baldwin x C. Nigrescent)
A 1969 hybrid by G. Hausermann
  Cattleya warneri
Blooms late Spring/early Summer
Clusters of attractive 3 1/2" light creams, purple spots, magenta lip.  Tall spikes
Heavy substance
Cattleya Landate (4N)  (C. aclandiae x C. guttata)  1966  Primary hybrid
Spotted petals, Fragrant, compact, more than one blooming time / year when mature
Not available    
Bc. Gulfshore's Beauty (B. nodosa x C. dormaniana)  Primary hybrid - two species  Has an outstanding bloom.  Can see the nodosa in it
Blooms are around 2 1/2 inches.  Trumpet shaped lip, Compact plants, blooms when plant still small.
These are from seed so bloom color will vary some.

Spring Bloom is very much like the cordigera var roseum
Encyclia Nursery Rhyme (Atroniceum x cordigera var rosea)
Growing in bright indirect light and humid  Very round pretty pseudobulbs 
Chocolate Fragrance   Blooms last about 6 weeks
  Rlc. Oconee Mendenhall (C. Belle of Celle x Rlc. Norman's Bay) SOLD    
  Slc. Rocket Burst x Blc. Mem Crispin Rosales  Slc now Cattlianthe
Blc now Rlc  Parents of C Rocket Burst are (Ctt Rajah's Ruby x Ctt. Rojo)  1977 Rod McLellan cross  Parents of Rlc Mem Crispin Rosales are (C Bonanza x Rlc Norman's Bay)  1959 Bracey cross
  Lc. Drumbeat 'Heritage' HCC/AOS & CCM/AOS & CCE/AOS (Lc. Bonanza x C. Horace)  A 1967 cross by Stewart  Great old hybrid SOLD    
Blc. Magic of Mishima 'Volcano Queen' (Blc. Fred Stewart x Lc. Drumbeat 'Volcano Queen')  Fragrant  Tones of lavender, red, yellow SOLD
Laelia purpurata var warkhauserii 'Blue Sky' SOLD
  Rlc. (Was Blc.) Lisa Irene (C. Irene Finney (1964) x Rlc. John Beville
1973 cross


Cattleya (Was Lc.) Blue Ridge (C. mossiae x C. Shenandoah)
1961 by Lines 


Blc. Hausermann's Holiday 'Ishpeming' (James Hausermann x Lisa Irene)   
lavender,  Vibrant, Large 6" + blooms.  Sep - Nov Fall Bloomer
  C. Rincon Hill x Lc Bonanza medium lavender petals w/ dk lav lip and golden Parents of C. Rincon Hill (C. mossiae x C. Pomona)  Parents of Lc Bonanza (C. Cavalese x C.  Prospector)  Wonderful fragrance SOLD    


Lc. Ken Stromsland 'Eric' (Arlene Marie x Hausermann's Pride)  5" wide blooms  Blooms around April  Good grower  Fragrant SOLD    


Lc. Red Empress 'Orchidheights' x Rlc. Goldenzelle 'Passion' AM/AOS named Rlc. Edna Aiko Kim Shades of lavender Large SOLD    


Lc. Irene Finney ‘Spring's Best’ AM/AOS  (Bruno Alberts x C.J.A. Carbone)  
This is a 1964 cross 
Large, two tone lavender blooms!  Flower Size is about 6-7" across. Truly one of the best Spring Blooming Lavender Cattleyas Ever! Famous in the Orchid world.     Description from Wildcatt: lavender, lip deep lavender, edged lighter lavender, throat golden centrally, changing to white on sides, with pleasing lavender edges.              Wonderful Fragrance



Slc. Kermit Hernlund  (Slc. Soft Glow x Lc. Supreme)   1958 hybrid
Our past plants had blooms in Dec and Jan and also Feb  
Very pleasant fragrance
  Lc. Carras (Lc (now Ctt) Bonanza x C.  Molly Tyler) (Bracey)   
1961 cross  Fall/winter  lavender Picture is of one of ours when it bloomed in October  Has a wonderful fragrance  Wonderful plant, strong grower 
  B. digbyana  Also known as Rhyncholaelia digbyana 
Is found in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica.
This takes bright light to grow and bloom well.  Fragrant 
The growth habit is short dense stiff leaves.  Is good in spots where tall plants don't fit.  We grow them in brighter indirect light.
  Epc. Laura Meyer 'Carmela's Pink Lip' SOLD    
  (C. Joan Holloway x C. Edith) x (C. Dorothy Mackaill x C. Ruth Gee) SOLD    


Bc. Interdosa (Bc. nodosa x C. intermedia) None left    
Encyclia ionophaebia x sib SOLD
  C. amethystoglossa alba x Lc. Molly Tyler alba FCC/RHS AOS Parents of Molly Tyler (Mrs W N Elkins x Leda)) Multiple blooms that stand up and are easy to see SOLD    

Will be tall bloom spikes with a group of blooms at the top that are lavender with curving narrow petals. Has interesting long darker lip with ribbed yellow down center of lip. 

Schomburgkia (Now Laelia) species   Fragrant, showy, large up to 5", long-lasting flowers in late fall/early winter.  SOLD    

Will be tall bloom spikes with a group of blooms at the top that are lavender with curving narrow petals. Has interesting long darker lip with ribbed yellow down center of lip. 

Schomburgkia (Now Laelia) superbiens  Fragrant, showy, large up to 5", long-lasting flowers in late fall/early winter.  Occurs in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua  We grew from a Flask SOLD    
Should be about 4", upright blooms, pink/rosy w white inside frilly lip & touch of yellow Cattleya harrisonia 'Homestead' x Cattleya harrisonia  Species is from SE Brazil.   rows warm, bright indirect light SOLD    
  Cattleya Horace Supermer (C. trianae x C. Woltersiana)   1938 Hybrid  Bloomed in July SOLD    
Lc. Mini Purple 'Shirnanai' Sold    
Yellow petals, bright red lip
Have not bloomed yet
Cattleya dowiana v aurea 4Nx2N
Beautiful and very desirable species.  Exceptional parents.  Summer bloomer 


Cattleya Kermit Hernlund  x Cattleya George Baldwin
Kermit Hernlund had been classified as Slc.
Parents of C Kermit Hernlund (C. Soft Glow x C Supreme)  1958
Parents of C George Baldwin (C Princess Margaret x C Enid) 1898
  Epidendrum centropetalum 'Red' x self  Native to Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama  Grows in full to partial sun in nature  Cool growing, high humidity, year round watering, late winter, spring, early summer bloomer SOLD    
These are famous blooms that have a light background to a pink with dark rosy spots.  Very interesting lip, dark rosy also
The 4N in the name means that the blooms will be larger
See for a picture
Cattleya amethystoglossa 4N  (C. amethystoglossa 'HR Super Spots x C. amethystoglossa 'Big Spots') SOLD    
Lavender  Cattleya Whitiniae (C. harrisoniana x L. (now Cattleya ) purpurata) registered in 1899 by Whitin None    
  Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Was Pot.) Tokyo Bay (Rlc. Vallespin x C. Commander) None    
Lavender Cattleya (Was Lc.) Princess Margaret  x Cattleya (Was Lc.) Irene Finney
Parents of C. Princess Margaret (C. Profusion (1922) x C. Clotho)
Parents of C. Irene Finney (C. Bruno Alberts (1954) x C. J.A. Carbone)
  Lc Adolph Hecker SOLD    

C. gaskelliana x Fabia (C. labiata x C. Dowiana)  Lavender  C. Kitty Wren 'Select' (Fabia x gaskelliana) 1916 Wonderful Fragrance  In bud in April SOLD

Medium size lavender

C. Arthur E. Miles   (C Sagana x C mossiae)  Old 1944 hybrid  SOLD    
  Guarianthe (Gur.)  bowringiana Prinana x Rlc. Zeecrabbe  bowringiana was Cattleya and Zeecrabbe was Blc  Parents of Zeecrabbe (Rhyncholaeliocattleya Vilmoriniana x C. Abyssinia) AM/AOS   Zeecrabbe is a 1946 cross   Some of ours when they bloomed.  Lavender  tall bifoliate Fragrant Beautiful blooms are held up above the plant Put on a great show Fall Bloomer SOLD    

Deep Lavender with darker broad lip

Blc. (Now Cattleya) San Mirelle 'Chance'
(C Mem Walter Armacost x C Bonanza)  1960
  Cattleya (Was Lc.) Long John 'Sky Rocket' (C. Enid (1898) x C. Elissa (1934) )    This is a 1964 cross  The parents are also very old hybrids  Can grow to a great specimen plant  July/Aug bloomer SOLD    
  Lc. (Now Cattleya) Dorothy Fiene 'Villa Park' (C. Time-Life x C. Arlene Marie) SOLD    
  Cattleya Easter Chick (Chickamauga x mossiae)
Lavender, Blooms around April
  Cattleya mossiae 'Willowbrook' FCC/AOS  Fragrant  National flower of Venezuela  Has large, well shaped, strong floral fragrant, lavender flowers  Absolutely wonderful fragrance.  You walk near them and say "What is that amazing fragrance !" SOLD    
 Big full round frilly lavender with dark lavender lip with yellow eyes in lip Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Was Blc.) Mem. Robert Hack   (Rlc. Emily Shupe x C. Joseph Hampton)  This is a 1983 hybrid  July/Aug bloomer SOLD    

Deep Lavender with darker broad lip  Very ruffled

Blc. (Now Rlc) South Ghyll   (C South Esk x Rlc Herons Ghyll)  1965 by Muse SOLD  


Somewhere in the past I have taken a picture of the bloom.  Can't find it.
So a description of a picture I have seen on   Light lavender petals and sepals, broad wide lip with the majority of color yellow surrounded by dark pretty lavender.  Ruffled/notched lip that is up in the bottom edge middle

(Rlc. Dal's Rapture x Cattleya Winter's Mantle) x Cattleya Fordyce's Finale  In 2017 Rlc. Dal's Rapture x C Winter's Mantle was registered and named Rlc. Kailua Queen.  And also in 2017 Rlc Kailua Queen x C. Fordyce's Finale was registered and named Rlc. Maggie Adarme
So now is
 Rlc. Maggie Adarme



(Lc. (Now Cattleya) Dinard x C. Kermit Hernlund) x Lc Bonanza
Pictures are Kermit Hernlund and Bonanza
  Blc. Emily Shupe (Lc. (Cattleya now) George Baldwin x Rlc. Mem. Crispin Rosales)  Large lavenders  Fall bloomer around Nov.  This is a 1968 cross SOLD    
  Broughtonia sanguinea 4N  Native to Jamaica and Cuba.  Compact grower. 5-12 flowers.  Do not cut back spike-will reproduce flowers. Round shape blooms 1"  Like being mounted, high light, hot & humid, air movement & water as a young plant, dry between watering.  Easy to grow All are SOLD    
  Cattleya Irene Holguin (C. Astral x C. JA Carbone)  This is a 1969 hybrid
Wonderful Fragrance
  Rhyncattleanthe (Was Blc.) Chance the Chance 'Kiramaki' (Ctt. Alcidor x Rlc. Sweet Anniversary)  Fragrant  Well it is 9/11/20 and this orchid is in bloom.  Two fresh blooms  Looks great ! SOLD    

Light lavender to pink petals, darker rosy lip with slight yellow, Full ruffled

Cattleya Nigritian 'King of Kings' x Blc. Bryce Canyon 'Lakeview'    Fragrant SOLD    
  Cattleya (Was Lc.) Irene Finney 'Ingrid' HCC/AOS SOLD    
Lavender Cattleya (Was Lc.) Irene Finney 'York' AM/AOS (C. Bruno Alberts (1954) x C. J.A. Carbone)  Apr/May SOLD $65  
  Cattleya (Was Lc.) Roy Hausermann (C. J.A. Carbone x C. Arlene Marie) Older hybrid, Dark lavender  1978 hybrid April bloomer Good size blooms  Very Fragrant !!!! Sold    
  Cattleya (Was Lc.) Dinard (C. Saint Gothard x C. Dinah) x Cattleya (Was Lc.) Bonanza (C. Cavalese x C. Prospector) No more at this time    


Cattleya mossiae 'Willowbrook' FCC/AOS  Fragrant  National flower of Venezuela
Has large, well shaped, strong floral fragrant, lavender flowers,
Absolutely wonderful fragrance, Mar bloomer
You walk near them and say 'What is that amazing fragrance!


Cattleya Califlora (C. mossiae x C. J. A. Carbone ) 1984 Armacost x Cattleya (Was Slc.) Kermit Hernlund (C. Soft Glow x C. Supreme) Sold    
Cattleya dowiana 'La Picosa'  x self  Brightness of yellow coloring can vary
See Cattleya Page 3 for more yellow with red lip Cattleyas
Hope to one day have some more

Cattleya mossiae coerulea

  Encyclia bractescens  Mature  Has bloomed  From Mexico, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala Sold    
Blue form.  Blooms can be up to 7"
Is a blue lavender.  The trumpet shaped lip is darker blue lavender with two yellow sides in lip
Cattleya warscewiczii var coerulea   In reading about warscewiczii, I see that in nature it gets sun and when you grow it, give it a lot of light, high humidity, and at mature age needs a period of drying to promote blooms, which come May to September after new growth. Sold    
Two tone lavender, trumpet shape lip Rlc. (Was Blc.) Princess Masako 'Miyabi' (Rlc. Don De Michaels x C. José Dias Castro)      
  Cattleya Califlora 'Sun Acres' (C. mossiae x C. J. A. Carbone ) 1984 Armacost Sold    
  Rlc. Lake Murray 'Mendenhall' AM/AOS x Rlc. Cornerstone 'Orchids' AM/AOS
Well it is in bloom.  And wow.  What a wonderful very large bloom.
Especially outstanding is the large sized bloom and midrange size Cattleya plant.
  Laelia lyonsii  Now under Schomburgkia lyonsii Bifoliate,  The pseudo bulbs are round and sturdy with two leaves coming from each.  From Cuba and Jamaica  tall inflorescence with the fragrant, many blooms at the top section.  Curved back lip has notched/ruffles.  White background on petals with burgundy/rose/some pink squiggly, almost barred pattern overlay.  Lip has pink, burgundy and yellow.  We have been giving this stronger light Sold    

Lc. (Susan Holguin ‘Mystique’ (Lc Jose Dias Castro x C. J A Carbone) x Lc Within Reach ‘Bright Promise’ (Lc Susan Holguin x Lc Drumbeat) ) 1981Older hybrid   Armacost cross combined with 1990 Stewart cross  Medium to dark lavender  This is a Stewart Orchids cross Number 19559
This is a combination of two lavenders.

No longer available    


Lc. Shauna Gialluisi 'Steve' (Acker's Madison x Mini Purple)
These blooms last longer than is usual for a Cattleya                                         Fragrant
Blc. Taichung Beauty Sold
C. jenmanii var coerulea  Rare form of a graceful unifoliate species.
Blue-hued 5” blooms, long slender, ruffled lip. Very fragrant. Winter. 

Cattleya patinii var alba 'Elizabeth' x self  bifoliate  Rare form of species  These are mini size to compact growing.  Sold
  C. skinneri 'Carpinteria' x self FCC/AOS  This national flower of Costa Rica  Has beautiful fragrant velvet like Lavender blooms.  Ours blooms in late winter to early spring Sold    
  Laelia purpurata  White with various shades of purple SOLD    
Orange with narrow twisted petals (Mcp.) Myrmecophila brysiana 'Orange Belle' AM/AOS x self  Bifoliate and Trifoliate, short, stocky  From Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Colombia
Orange blooms Fragrant  give stronger light
This is Sold    


  Lc. Tristar Bouquet 'Hawaii'  Medium size lavender flowers on strong spike These are Sold    
  Ctna. Jamaica Joy var. alba 'Full Moon' x Psy. (Psychilis) atropurpurea 'Hamlyn' (Psy. formerly under Epidendrum) Psy. atropurpurea is from the Dominican Republic and Haiti.  This is a small growing orchid. Sold    
  Bsn. Joyce Headley (Guriana x B. perrinii) Bifoliate and Unifoliate Lavender, multifloral bowringiana hybrid Sold    
  Gur. Guatemalensis (Gur. skinneri var. alba x Gur. aurantiaca)  Also Known as Cattleya Guatemalensis (C. skinneri var. alba x C. aurantiaca)  Bifoliate  Expect a winter blooming salmon colored bloom in clusters. Good grower with multiple growths Sold    
  Schom. tibicinis  Now under Myrmecophila tibicinis  "The Trumpet Player's Schomburgkia "
From Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Costa Rica, Venezuela and Colombia often in full sun, better to give less water through the winter
  C. loddigesii 'Blue Sky' AM/AOS x C. schilleriana var coerulea 'Orchidglade' cross of two species - Primary Hybrid Fragrant SOLD    
Pot. Royston Frolic (Slc. Katie's Cutie x B. nodosa) narrow petals, such as nodosa has. Star shaped blooms SOLD

Encyclia Summer Stars SOLD
  Blc. Ronald Hausermann 'Betty Jo' (James Hausermann x Mem. Roselyn Reismar)
Large lavender blooms.Broad leaves
  Blc. Yonges Island 'Newberry' SOLD  



Blc. American Freedom 'Crystelle' AM/AOS (Sc. Adi Lady Lala x Rsc Star of Bethlehem)  This Blc has been reclassified to Rsc. The parents of Lc. Adi Lady Lala are (C. Nigrescent x Lc. Drumbeat)
The parents of the beautiful lavender Blc Star of Bethlehem are (Oconee x Blc Elizabeth Off)


  Bl. (L. fidelensis x B.digbyana) SOLD    
  Brassovola Little Stars (nodosa x cordata)  SOLD    
  Brassovola digbyana '#2' SOLD    
  Blc. Mem. Grant Eichler 'Lenette' HCC/AOS (Blc. James Hausermann x Lc. Irene Finney) SOLD    
  Blc. Generation Gap ‘102087’ x Blc. Goldenzelle ‘Passion’ SOLD    
  Blc. Goldenzelle x Blc. Silvia Frye 'Supreme' AM/AOS SOLD    
  Blc. Meditation (Bc Deesse x Lc Fedora) x Slc. Red Princess (C Hawaiian Variable x Sl Red Doll)  SOLD    
  Blc. Dean Martin 'Gigas'  SOLD    
  Blc. Igers Sweet Revenge 'Puanani' SOLD    
  Blc. (John Mossman x Blc. Mem. Grant Eichler) (Blc James Hausermann x Lc Irene Finney) SOLD    
  Blc. Bennisume SOLD    
  Blc. Blackberry Lane  SOLD    
  Blc. Ronald Hausermann ‘Addison’ AM/AOS (James Hausermann x Mem. Roselyn Reismar) SOLD    
  Blc. Bryce Canyon 'Splendiferous' x Blc.Mem. Crispin Rosales 'Pine Knot' AM/AOS now named Blc. Cornerstone SOLD    
  Blc. Amy Wakasugi x Lc John MacArthur SOLD    
  Blc. (Lc. John MacArthur (C. Califlora x Lc. Irene Finney) x Blc. Mem. Grant Eichler (Blc. James Hausermann x Lc. Irene Finney) SOLD    
  Blc. Liese Pigors (Blc. Mem. Crispin Rosales x C. JA Carbone) x Lc. Drumbeat 'Triumph' AM/AOS  SOLD    
  Blc. Lucky Strike 'Saravuth'  SOLD    
  Blc. Platinum Sun '0-1' AM/AOS x Blc. California Girl 'Orchid Library'  SOLD    
  Blc. (Mem. Grant Eichler x John MacArthur) SOLD    
  Blc. Mem. Susan Hawkins(Blc. Mem. Crispin Rosales x Blc. Oconee)  SOLD    
  Blc. (Lc. Howard’s Luck (C. Porcia x Blc. Norman’s Bay) x Blc. Challenge (Blc. Blanche Okamoto x Lc. Edgard Van Belle))    SOLD    
  Blc. Ronald's Canyon 'Koko Head' AM/AOS SOLD    
  Blc. Momilani Rainbow x Schomburgkia wallisi SOLD    
  Brm. Jamaica Fire (Ctna. Why Not x Mcp. brysiana) SOLD    
  C. lueddemanniana 'Aerodactyl' HCC/AOS x self   SOLD    
  C. Chocolate Drop 'Kodama' x C. Pink Elephant SOLD    
  C. skinneri semi-alba SOLD    
  C. guttata var leopoldii SOLD    
  C. skinneri var alba 'San Jose'   SOLD    
  C. lueddemanniana ‘Treasure Found’ x C. JA Carbone ‘Maer Famillia’ (C. mossiae x C. Prospector) This was named C Lisa Ann Thompson in 2006 SOLD    
  Encyclia Orchid Jungle 'Dale' AM/AOS x Enc recurvata  SOLD    
  Lc. Margaret Miller x Lc. John MacArthur (C. Califlora x Lc Irene Finney)  provisional name is Lc Margaret Miller-Lines  SOLD    
   Lc. Grosnez (Lc. Drumbeat x Lc Culminant) SOLD    
  Lc. Bryan Wheeler 'Grandson' HCC/AOS & CCM/AOS (Lc. Irene Finney x Lc. Harold Carlson)   SOLD    
  Lc. Spring Angel   (Lc Casitas Spring 'Linden' AM/AOS x C Angelwalker) SOLD    
  Laelia purpurata var. Schusteriana '#16' SOLD    
  Lc Wolterae (L anceps 'Falcon'  x C loddigesii var harrisoniae 'Impassionata')  SOLD    
  Lc. Sharon Shutty Wright 'Anchors Away' (Betty Ford x Dorothy Fiene) SOLD    
  Lc. Bryan Wheeler 'Addison Trail' (Lc. Irene Finney x Lc. Harold Carlson) SOLD    
  Lc. Christmas Bouquet ‘3993’ (C. percivaliana x Lc Mini Purple) SOLD    
  Lc. Rosie’s Surprise 'Crestview' (Lc. Irene Finney ‘Spring’s Best’ AM/AOS x C. walkeriana var. alba)  SOLD    
  Lc. Ptarmigan Ridge 'Mendenhall' x Lc. Mem. Grant Eichler 'Lenette' HCC/AOS  SOLD    
  Lc. Justin Lee Wheeler (Lc. Betty Ford x Lc. Lake Chabaneau) SOLD    
  Lc. Acker’s Madison ‘Kyle’ x (Slc. Stacy Miyamoto x Ctna Keith Roth SOLD    
  Laelia Pulcherima var alba '053005' SOLD    
  Laelia purpurata x Cattleya loddigesii  SOLD    
  Laelia purpuradubiota var werkhauseri 'Violet Color'   SOLD    
  Laelia tenebrosa SOLD    
  Laelia alaorii SOLD    
  Laelia lobata alba SOLD    
  Pot. (Blc. Liese Pigors (Blc. Mem. Crispin Rosales x C. JA Carbone) x Slc. Hermann Pigors) (Slc. Kermit Hernlund x Lc Oakland)  SOLD    
  Slc. Love Castle 'Kurenai' SOLD    
  Slc. Best Friend 'Cleopatra'  SOLD    

Cattleya amethystoglossa ‘Camino Real’ AM/AOS x ‘H&R Supreme’ AM/AOS


Cattleya mossiae ‘H&R’ 4N x mossiae 4N



Cattleya lueddemanniana ‘Fred’s Dark’ x sib  Venezuela Fragrant

  Bc. Myrtle Sammy (B. subulifolia x C bowringiana) None    

Blc. (Bl.  Mueller 4N x C. mossiae 4N)

White, narrow star shaped petals, broad lip
No picture - has not bloomed yet    
Bc. Nanipuakea 'Dogashima' (B. nodosa x C Hardyana (C. dowiana x C. warscewiczii) ) White Has the nodosa narrow upright stiff style of leaves SOLD    
Creamy white star shaped petals with broad lip       Bc. Sea Mist (B. nodosa x C. luteola) Has the nodosa narrow upright stiff style of leaves SOLD    
  Blc. Calm Seas '1795' x C. Ruth Gee 'Grandma'   S 19573  FRAGRANT  We acquired these plants directly from a trip to Stewart Orchids many years ago. These are from seed, they are not clones.  All of these orchids came directly from Stewart Orchids.  Some are lavender and some are white.  This is the lavender one None    

See shipping info. above
Orchid Classes:  Learn how to grow, care for and bloom your orchids
 Ironwood Estate Orchids is conducting Beginner and Hands on Repotting Classes
Click Here for Class Dates New 2025 Dates Are Here !!!

See our New Pots for Orchids   Pots
Purchase by visiting the greenhouse at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602
By appointment
e-mail to or
calling us at (828) 294-3950 or (828) 238-3604 cell
or writing to us at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602

Thank you to each of our customers!
It is you who make this a business and a wonderful experience.
We invite you to come to the greenhouse (by appointment) and
enjoy the ever changing environment of blooms, plant growth and orchid offerings.
Dale and Phyllis Erikson  Still growing and enjoying orchids after more than 30 years
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