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We have transitioned over to using Federal Express for shipping

Shipping:  The shipping charge to the customer is exactly what the shipping cost is, plus $10 for boxing.  (more for very large boxes)  
Cattleya Page 2
Pinks to Purple
Description Size



Lc. George Baldwin 'Prolific'
(Lc. Princess Margaret x C. Enid)
This is a 1941 Baldwin Inc cross.   The bloom is very wide, about 6" and this comes from a parent, Princess Margaret, that has large blooms.  Blooming time is around Late Summer / Early Fall also can be later in the year    Fragrant - Wonderful
One 6 1/2" pot $78.75 See shipping info. above

Two tone pink/red, large blooms

Rlc. (Was Blc.) Fritz Nickolaus 'Spring Dance' 
(Rlc. Mem. Roselyn Reisman x C. Irene Finney)
As an older plant, Blooms twice a year in Fall & Spring
4" pots

5" pots
More mature plants


See shipping info. above
Blc. Amy Wakasugi 'Cathy'
(C. Bonanza (Bracey) x Rlc. Herons Ghyll)      1966 hybrid
Medium shade pink/lavender, very ruffled darker lip  Rich color
Large Bloom    Fragrant
Have one 6" pot $78.75 See shipping info. above
Light pink w/ yellow & dark spots in lip

Lc. Puppy Love
(C. Dubiosa x L. anceps )
1970 Stewart hybrid
Tall bifoliate
One 6" pot $78.75 See shipping info. above
light lavender w/ spotted trumpet lip Blc. Petite Stars
(Bc. Richard Mueller x L. rubescens)
6" pots
One 4" pot
See shipping info. above

Huge light lavender/ dark lav lip
C. (Was Lc.) Arid Acres 'Fabulous' (M-101)
(C. Mamie Eisenhower x C. Chickamauga)
 7 1/2" pots
Sturdy plants
$85 See shipping info. above

Rlc. Rolling Thunder 'El Toro' AM/AOS

(Rlc. Chesty Puller x C. Old Whitey)
pink & dark pink/ yellow in lip
One 6" pot $78.75 See shipping info. above
Blc. Marcella Koss 'Pink Marvel' 
(C. Bob Betts x Rlc. Languedoc) 

Two great parents. 
Bloom  6" wide 
Fall bloomer
One 6" pot $65

See shipping info. above

Blc. (Now Rlc.) Mount Anderson 'Dave'
(C. Bow Bells x Rlc. Deesse)
Great parents
Large pink blooms with notched edge petals and lip, large yellow in lip
Our experience is that the blooms last longer than average
One 6" pot
One 6 1/2" pot


See shipping info. above
Lovely delicate medium pink, full round petals with some ruffling, wide notched lip with dark rose at notch, yellow in center

Rlc. (Was Blc.) Spring Dawn 'Top Row'  
(Rlc. Malibu Gem x C. Boudoir)   This is a 1981 Rod McLellan cross    Blooms are very Fragrant
One 6" pot
3 Growths
$78.75 See shipping info. above

Lc. (Now C.) Mem. Dr. Benjamin Byrd ‘Wright’
(C. Dinard x C. Bonanza)
One 8" pot
6" pots
One 7 1/2" Full


See shipping info. above

Cattleya Schoenbrunnensis
A 1913 primary hybrid
Pretty little blooms
One 5" pot
Blooming size
$55 See shipping info. above

Cattleya Mount Hood x Cattleya guatemalensis
We have two 8" pots
Each is doing well

See shipping info. above

Bc. (B. glauca x C. Ruth Gee 'Dallas' AM/AOS)  S 196067

We acquired this directly from Stewart Orchids a long time ago.

Picture is representative of color

6" pots
8" pots
Great plants
See shipping info. above 

Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Rlc.) Portage Pass  
(Rl. digbyana x
C. Bonanza) 
This was a Blc. A 1970 Beall hybrid
We now have one 8" pot $95 See shipping info. above 

Huge 7 1/2 inch pink to lavender flowers with chartreuse-yellow lip

Bc. (Now Rlc.) Mount Hood 'Orchidglade' AM/AOS
(Rlc. Deesse x C. Claris)
This classic 1962 large pink with a frilly lip and round petals
One 8" pot

Lavender to pink    
Blc. Tribute 'Independence Day' x Blc. Media Noche 'Sure Thing' 
Stewart Orchids # 198210
Came from Stewart Orchids many years ago  
Not available now    
Pink with notched lip - from the digbyana Rlc. (Was Bc.) MME (Madame) Charles Maron  (Rl. digbyana x C. warscewiczii)  Very old 1901 Primary hybrid SOLD    

Blc. Hawaiian Agenda 'Florida Winter' 6" bloom, fragrant SOLD
  Epc. (Now Catyclia Cty.) Thumper McClain 'Pinnacle' (C. Little Angel x E. tampensis)
1977 hybrid
  Cattleya Orpetii x Cattleya luteola  The 1901 hybrid Orpetii's parents are C pumila x C. coccinea  This is a very sweet bloom  from seed, Varied blooms


Hawkinsara Sadie Rainn (Lc. Acker's Madison x Hawkinsara Donovan Bennett)
3" flowers, great height of 28" with blooms, Oct-Nov
  Bc. Hausermann's Purity 'Delightful' (Faberge x Pink Debutante) Fall Bloomer SOLD    


C. Clarissa (C. loddigesii ‘Impassionata’ x C. mendelii ‘Model’)  Primary Hybrid This is an old 1902 cross from Stewart Orchids Light to medium lavender petals with a creamy, darker lavender and gold color frilled lip.  have bloomed more than once in a year.  These are medium tall bifoliates.    SOLD    

Bc. Mount Hood x Blc. Lingerie SOLD
Light lavender, narrow trumpet shaped cream colored lip with dark mark at center tip of lip Cattleya Dubiosa 'Scully's' AM/AOS x C. Claesiana 'Elva' SOLD    


Cattleya (Now Cattlianthe) Astraea 'Ginny' AM/AOS (C. loddigesii x Gur. skinneri)  1897 hybrid SOLD    
  Lc. Melecio Huerto 'Senor Perfecto' (C. Rita Renee x Grub Stake)
Now Cattleya  This is a 1972 hybrid by Stewart Orchids that we got from them.
Hoping for a pink or blush Bc. Mount Hood 'Mary' x Bc Raspberry Parfait 'Lorraine McLellan' Sold    
  Bc. Raspberry Parfait 'Lorraine McLellan' Sold    
Beautiful deep rich pink / rose.  Round full bloom
Truly a great bloom
Lc. Culminant 'La Tuilerie' AM/AOS, HCC/AOS and more awards
(C. Ile de France x C. Gaillard)  A very old hybrid, registered by Maurice Vacherot in 1957  This has a light pleasant Fragrance  The provenance of this is that it may have come from Vacherot & Lecoufle many years ago.
Light pink with yellow in lip and dark pink (Cattleya Mami Akatsuka x Rlc Noriko) 'Volcano Queen'
Cattleya (Was Slc) Tokyo Life (Lc Tokyo Magic x Slc Crcle of Life)  Bloom about 3", flat  Full shape, may have flaring.  Compact - Miniature  Spring Fall bloomer SOLD    
  Cattleya Rivermont Imperial 'Crown' (C Bow Bells x C. loddigesii)  a 1961 cross by Rivermont SOLD    
Pink to light lavender.  Bc. Languedoc (Deesse x Mem. Rosemary)  Fragrant    There is a named variety 'Singapore Welcome'  A very old hybrid, registered by Vach & Lec. in 1956
Pink to light lavender.  Ruffled petals and lip, notched lip.  Golden yellow in the trumpet shaped lip
  Lc. (Now Cattleya) Consul (C Marinid x C. Admiration)  This is a Very Old Hybrid - a 1946 Vacherot-Lecoufle hybrid Large round, light pink / purple, petals overlap, some yellow in lip. Winter bloomer Sold    
  Rlc. (Was Blc.) Mahina Yahiro 'Mashima' AM/AOS (Rlc. Meditation x Rlc. Donna Kimura) 1986 Hybrid  Full Ruffled Pink with gold color in large lip SOLD    
Blc. (Lc. Margaret Miller x Blc. Mem. Grant Eichler)  parents of Blc. Mem. Grant Eichler are Blc. James Hausermann x Lc. Irene Finney  This is an older cross made by Lenette's Orchids  These blooms measure 6"
Large lavender - pink blooms with golden yellow in the center of the lip
None available
Blc. Arthur Bossin 'Unique' (Blc Tampico x C walkeriana)
#s on tags 83194   This is a 1991 Stewart Orchids cross Number 186217        FRAGRANT
Lc. Acker's Madison x Bish. Donovan Bennet   Bish. stands for Bishopara which is a combination of Broughtonia x Cattleya x Sophronitis  Lovely pink to lavender & yellows 3 1/2" - 4" with clusters of blooms    Beautiful bifoliate plants.  Sold    

Blc. Canyon Royal ‘Future Star’ (Blc. Bryce Canyon x Blc. Murray Spencer) x Blc. Tribute ‘Independence Day’ (Blc. Mem. Crispin Rosales x C. )  From Seed  This is a Stewart Orchids cross #S105222. Canyon Royal is a 1986 Armacost cross.  Picture of what bloom has looked like.  These are truly amazing blooms.   Pinks to Lavenders  Blooming has been in late summer and also other times of year   They go from Pinks to Lavenders.

No longer available



Blc. Spring Dawn 'Top Row' (Malibu Gem x Boudoir) x Blc. Mahina Yahiro 'Ulii' AM/AOS (Blc. Meditation x Bc. Donna Kimura)  now named Pete's Pink  Lovely soft to dark pink w lavender tones w yellow in lip.       Fragrant Sold    
  B. digbyana x C. Picasso (C. Elizabeth Carlson x C. Nancy Gray ) Sold    


Lc. Sylvan Sprite 'Blythe Spirit' HCC/AOS (Lc. Puppy Love x L. rubescens) This is a 1980 Stewart Orchids cross. Lovely long lasting blooms on tall spike.   Light pink to a light lavender. Blooms summer, fall. The bifoliate plant growth has tall pseudo bulbs with long leaves that curve downward.  Lovely style of growth. Very fragrant and long lasting flowers. Fragrance fills the air around It does best with very bright indirect light. SOLD    


Blc. Spring Dawn 'Top Row' (Malibu Gem x Boudoir) x Beauford Fisher 'Rococo' AM/AOS (Walter Slagel x Mount Hood)  Beautiful medium pink to lavender with yellow in the large frilled lip Spring Dawn x Beauford Fisher has been named Annie Belle. Has received an AOS award.    Fragrant SOLD    
  Blc. Triumphal Coronation 'Seto' (Lc. Drumbeat 'Heritage' x Blc. Pamela Hetherington 'Coronation' FCC/AOS)  SOLD    
  Blc. Chian-Tzy Emperor ‘Golden Sun’ (C. Horace x Blc. Bryce Canyon) SOLD    
  Blc. Rhea Thornburg 'Heritage' (Lc. Drumbeat x Bc. Mount Hood) SOLD    
  Blc. Mem. Crispin Rosales x (Blc. Phinitsithakarn x Lc. Waianea Sunset)  SOLD    
  Blc. Mahina Yahiro 'Mishima' SOLD    
  Blc. Mary Alice Underwood  FCC/AOS (Blc. Beauford Fisher x Blc. Mahina Yahiro) SOLD    
  Blc. California Girl x Blc. Winifred Singeo  SOLD    
  Blc. (Aloha Case x Hunting Island) 'Hawaii'  SOLD    
  Blc. Arthur Bossin ‘Plum Pretty’ SOLD    
  Blc. Arthur Bossin ‘Rapture’ SOLD    
  Blc. Chialin Beauty 'Golden Eye'  SOLD    
  Blc. Ponkan’s Southern Lady x Blc. Regal Pokai SOLD    
  Blc. War Chant 'Mary Ellen' x Bc Phil Andrews 'Mendenhall' HCC/AOS   SOLD    
  Broughtonia sanguinea v. aurea x sanguinea 'Star Splash'  SOLD    
  Bc. Deborah Smith (C. Lucille Small x Bc. Mount Hood) x Blc. Beauford Fisher (Lc. Walter Slagle x Bc. Mount Hood) SOLD    
  Bc. Cindy Angel 'Purity' x Lc Irene Finney 'Springs Best' SOLD    
  C. Angelwalker ‘OC’ x B digbyana ‘Mrs Chase’ SOLD    
  C. Chantilly Lace 'Sprinkles' SOLD    
  C. Peggy Forbis 'Peggy's Blush' x C. Sans Souci 'Mendenhall' SOLD    
  C. Valentine (C. loddigesii x C. warneri) x C. Sir Jeremiah Colman (C. Ariel x C. walkeriana) SOLD    
  Ctna. Maui Maid x Blc. Mahina Yahiro  SOLD    
  Ctna. Maui Maid x L. purpurata carnea  SOLD    
  Lc. Acker's Madison 'Kyle' SOLD    
  Lc. Bethune (Lc Mattie Shave x Lc Elizabeth Off) SOLD    
  Lc. Bonanza Queen 'Panamint' AM/AOS x Lc Ovation 'True Heritage' SOLD    
  Lc. (Princess Margaret x C. Summer Bay)  SOLD    
  Lc. Pink Pearl (Puppy Love x C. loddigesii) SOLD    
  Lc. Summit View 'Primero' (C percivaliana x Lc Drumbeat) SA9313 SOLD    
  Pot. Don D's Bear 'Just Peachy' (Lc. Acker's Madison x Pot. Mem Deana Sanders) SOLD    
  Slc. Marie Nahova Hollowed 'Abundance’ (Lc. Acker’s Madison x Sc. Calypso) SOLD    
  Slc. Marie Nahova Hollowed 'York' (Lc. Acker’s Madison x Sc. Calypso) SOLD    
  Slc. Pat Thrall (Lc. Bonanza Queen x Slc. Circle of Life)  SOLD    



Orchid Classes:  Learn how to grow, care for and bloom your orchids
 Ironwood Estate Orchids is conducting Beginner and Hands on Repotting Classes
Click Here for Class Dates New 2025 Dates Are Here !!!

See our New Pots for Orchids   Pots
Purchase by visiting the greenhouse at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602
By appointment
e-mail to or
calling us at (828) 294-3950 or (828) 238-3604 cell
or writing to us at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602

Thank you to each of our customers!
It is you who make this a business and a wonderful experience.
We invite you to come to the greenhouse (by appointment) and
enjoy the ever changing environment of blooms, plant growth and orchid offerings.
Dale and Phyllis Erikson  Still growing and enjoying orchids after more than 30 years
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