Cattleya 8


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Cattleya Page 8 -
White, Semi Alba and Blue
Description Size



Frilly White with yellow in trumpet shaped lip C. Joyce Hannington 'Sara'
(C. Barbara Dane x C. Snowdon)
This is a 1945 hybrid
Strong growths
One 7 1/2" pot


See shipping info. above

Cattleya Patricia Lines 'Lines'
(C. Barbara Billingsley x C. Bob Betts)

An old hybrid  from 1957
 8" pots
One 6"


See shipping info. above

Rlc. (Was Blc). Ranger Six ‘A-OK’ FCC/AOS, AM/AOS  
(Blc Nacouchee x C Empress Bells)

This is a 1964 Armacost cross (Armacost later became Stewart Orchids)


One 8" pot
 One 7" pot
One 6" pot

See shipping info. above

Famous Old White Cattleya

Cattleya Bow Bells
(C. Edithiae x C. Suznne Hye)
This is a 1945 hybrid by Black & Flory 
One 6" $175 See shipping info. above

Cattleya Nancy Off 'Linwood' AM/AOS

(C. Bebe White x C. Joyce Hannington)

1956 hybrid by Off & Sons
8" pots
One 6" pot
One 6" pot
See shipping info. above

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Liberty Hill'  AM/AOS

(C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae) 
This is a compact growing Cattleya
Beautiful ruffled white with yellow in lip  
One 7 1/2" $85 See shipping info. above
  Cattleya Bob Betts 'Tacoma'
(C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae)
One 6" $78.75 See shipping info. above

Cattleya Bob Betts 'The Conqueror' FCC/AOS
(C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae)
One 7" FULL $120 See shipping info. above
  Cattleya Bob Betts 'Virgin' FCC/AOS
(C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae)
One 6"
One 8"
See shipping info. above
  Cattleya Bob Betts ‘White Lightning’  AM/AOS
(C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae)   

white blooms, ruffled petals and lip with yellow in the lip.    Generally blooms in Fall 
Very Fragrant Blooms 
One 7"
One 7 1/2"
See shipping info. above

Cattleya Bob Betts 'York' AM/AOS, CCE/AOS
(C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae)
This is a compact growing Cattleya  Beautiful full round ruffled white with yellow in lip   Fragrant
One 6" small $78.75 See shipping info. above

Cattleya Pearl Harbor 'Orchidglade'  AM/AOS
(C. Bow Bells x C. Celia) 
This is an old 1951 hybrid  Fall bloomer  Fragrant
One 8" pot
7 1/2" pot
6" Clay pot
5" pot
One 8" pot
One 6" pot

See shipping info. above

Cattleya Hawaiian Wedding Song 'Virgin' HCC/AOS
(C. Angel Bells x C. Claesiana)
1982 Hybrid  Late Summer Early Fall Bloomer Very Nice White  Fragrant
7 1/2" & 8"

One 6" pot


Cattleya Carol Ackerson

(C. intermedia x C. Dorothy Mackaill) 

Medium tall bifoliate and unifoliate  An old 1964 cross by Kensington Has a spicy fragrance - maybe like gardenia
White with the more intermedia type narrow petals
4" pot
3 growths
Division of larger plant
$45 See shipping info. above


Catleya Carol Ackerson x Cattleya Wendy Patterson 
Parents of C Carol Ackerson
(C intermedia x C Dorothy Mackaill)  1964 
Parents of C Wendy Patterson
(C Helen P Dane x C intermedia) 
Now named C. Mila Anica Nada, originated by Borlin Orchids  Wonderful White
When these bloomed they had multiple blooms  They have a very special look Has the look of porcelain. 
7 1/2" larger plant $90 See shipping info. above
  Blc. (Now Rlc) Burdekin Bells x C. Hawaiian Devotion
Rlc. Burdekin Bells parents are C. Princess Bells x Rlc. Sylvia Fry  1985 cross
C. Hawaiian Devotion parents are C. Tiffin Bells x C. Peter's Creek 1998 cross by Kodama
Two 6" pots $65 See shipping info. above


Cattleya Carl Hausermann
(C. Bob Betts x C. Diane Sato)
1964 hybrid
The is a great white with some yellow in the lip
Should be similar to picture
One 8" pot


See shipping info. above

Cattleya Empress Bells v Veida x Cattleya Star Kissed    Select
Parents of C Empress Bells (C. Bow Bells x C. Edithiae) 1952 McDade
Parents of C Star Kissed (C. Henrietta Japhet x C. loddigesii) 1962 Stewart
Has the great C. Bow Bells and C. Henrietta Japhet in it's background
One 8" pot


See shipping info. above

Cattleya Picasso 'Modern Art'
(C. Elizabeth Carlson x C. Nancy Gray)  
1967 Hausermann hybrid
Picture is example of bloom
One 6" pot


See shipping info. above

Bc. Pastoral ‘Innocence’ HCC/AOS & AM/AOS & two CCM/AOS
(C Mademoiselle Louise Pa x Bc Deesse) 
A 1961 cross by R. Altenburg, a classic white, Fragrant, fringed/notched lip showing its digbyana heritage,  and it does have the tiny line of red-purple at the bottom center of the lip. AOS Description of bloom: flowers white, marked with lemon yellow throat and small red-purple mark at center of lip; petals and lip pleasingly ruffled.

One 8" pot
6" pots
See shipping info. above

Cattleya Vickie Andrews
(C Princess Bells x C Angelwalker) 

Parents of C Princess Bells (C Empress Bells x C Bob Betts)  1959 
Parents of C Angelwalker (C. Little angel x C walkeriana )
1969 Jones & Scully  August bloomer for us  Very Fragrant

Two 6" pots $65 See shipping info. above
C. David Bishop 'Lines'
(C. Beverley Boswell x C. loddigesii)
One 6" 4 Growths

One 6" 5 Growths

See shipping info. above

C. Friendly Third (C666)
(C. Sunrise Chalet x C. Bob Betts)
8" pot
In sheath
$85 See shipping info. above
Full Round Frilly White C. Hawaiian Snowflake
(C. Ruth Gee x C. Earl)
One 6" pot
4 Growths
$78.75 See shipping info. above

Cattleya Henrietta Japhet
(C. Eucharis x C. loddigesii)

McDade  1946 
White Japhet style White bifoliate,
 Winter-Spring bloomer
Very large full plant in 8" pot


See shipping info. above

Cattleya Mary Lynn McKenzie 'Nature's Masterpiece'
(C. Bob Betts x C Swan)
6" pots $65 See shipping info. above
  C. Nancy Off 'Elizabeth' AM/AOS
(C. Bebe White x C. Joyce Hannington)
1956 hybrid
One 6 1/2" pot $78.75 See shipping info. above

C. Nancy Off 'Linwood' AM/AOS
(C. Bebe White x C. Joyce Hannington)
1956 hybrid
6" pots $78.75 See shipping info. above

Snow white, round, overlapping petals,
6" blooms

C. Sierra Blanca 'Mt Whitney' AM/AOS, CCM/AOS & more
(C. Athena Chagaris x C. Norton Benis)
This is an old 1985 Armacost cross
One 8" pot


See shipping info. above

Rlc. (Was C.) White Diamond
(Rlc. Tung-Noi Pink x Rlc. Pink Diamond)
Large white - yellow throat & fragrant
6" pots
Plant grows short
$78.75 See shipping info. above

white w/ yellow throat

Rlc. Shinaphat Diamond
(Rlc. Petch Sayam x C. Gertrude Hausermann)

Blooms Dec / Jan time
One 6" $78.75 See shipping info. above
Bright crisp White, rounded petals, very ruffled lip with large amount of yellow in lip

Blc. Burdekin Wonder 'Lakeland'
(Bc. Donna Kimura x Blc. Sylvia Fry)
Now Rlc.
8" pots
One 6" pot
See shipping info. above

Semi-Alba Cattleyas

Lc. Lily Pons
(Lc. Canhamiana x C. Priscilla)
1947 hybrid by Alberts/Merkel
Beautiful large semi alba with crisp white petals & rose to lavender in the trumpet shaped lip
Fragrant  Should be a Spring to Summer

Beautiful large semi alba with crisp white petals & rose to lavender in the trumpet shaped lip
Contact us for availability    

Lc. (now Cattleya) Sheila Lauterbach 'Equilab' FCC/AOS
(C. Barbosa Rodrigues x C. Semaphore) 

8" pots
One 6" pot
Late Summer bloomer
Large blooms



See shipping info. above
Semi Alba C. (Was Lc.) Memorial Robert Strait '10' x C. Brian Wheeler 'Grandson' AM/AOS, CCM/AOS, HCC/AOS 4 1/2" Clay pot $45 See shipping info. above



Ctt. (Was C.) Portia var coerulea 'Sir Jeremiah Coleman'
(Gur. Bowringiana x C. laviata)

Several blooms per bloom sheath of bluish blooms with dark lips.  Beautiful blooms
One 7 " pot fewer growths
One 7 1/2" pot more growths


See shipping info. above
Cattleya bowringiana x self
Two 4" pots
One 6" pot
See shipping info. above

Catleya bowringiania var coerulea x self
Flowers about 2 1/2".  Fall bloomer
One 4" pot $35 See shipping info. above

Cattleya Group Species listed under Cattleya Page 1

  Lovely White Cattleya intermedia alba 'Penn Valley' AM/AOS SOLD    

Bright white sepals and ruffled petals, strong purple & yellow ruffled trumpet shaped lip, large blooms

C. Catherine Patterson (C. Enid (1898) x C. Mrs. Frederick Knollys) 1952 hybrid by patterson




C. Jose Marti ‘Mother’s Favorite’ CCM/AOS   (C. Bob Betts x C. Bow Bells)    Large white blooms with yellow in the lip.   Very Fragrant!


6" white with reddish /lavender lip and yellow in the center.  Reddish blush on tip of petals.

Rlc. Blanche Aisaka 'Yuki' FCC/AOS
(Blc. Meditation x Lc. Stephen Oliver Fouraker)
Very lovely Fragrance

White, ruffled trumpet shaped lip C. Rodney Arthur Freytag (C. intermedia x C. General Patton)  Very Fragrant SOLD    

Full ruffled white, lip trumpet shape
Cattleya Elizabeth Carlson 'Scott Off'  (C. Stella Elenewski x C. Sunrise Chalet)  A 1960 Patterson cross Parent of C. Picasso Snowball SOLD    
  Cattleya Bob Betts 'Lines' AM/AOS (C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae) SOLD    
  Cattleya Bob Betts 'Orchidheights'  (C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae) SOLD    
C. (Was Lc.) Carla Off (Lily Pons x Catherine Patterson)  Wonderful parents SOLD
  Cattleya Eximia var coerulea 'Sea God' AM/AOS
An orchid species identified in 1877. 
5" flowers  Fragrant  Part of the Raymond Burr Collection
SOLD $105  

C. Catherine Patterson (C. Enid (1898) x C. Mrs. Frederick Knollys) 1952 x C. Ardmore Alba (C. Enid x C. mossiae) 1938




L. purpurata var werkhauseri 'Original' x C. intermedia var aquinii coerulea 
Old Stewart Orchids hybrid  #19924
  Cattleya (Was Lc.) Mem. Maggie Hood  (C. Aconcagua x C. Enid)   1960 hybrid Large semi alba blooms  Blooms lasted for a long time SOLD    

Cattleya mossiae Wagnerii x Cattleya Alcimeda (C. gaskelliana x C. labiata) 1911 hybrid  Now named C. Virginia Reams  Very Fragrant SOLD    
White petals with broad, ruffled dark ruby colored lip.
Also has flair/bit of color going out to edge of petals.

Blc. (Now Rlc.) Mem. Anna Balmores 'Convex' (C. Mem. Robert Strait x Rlc. Good News)

  Lc. Chyong Guu Swan 'Ruby Lip' AM/OSROC  (C. Wayndora x C. Persepolis) 1995 hybrid
White with vibrant dark magenta lip  Has been reclassified to Cattleya
Not available right now    
  Lc. Melody Fair 'Carol' x Lc. Mildred Rives A semi alba from two great parents SOLD    


Cattleya New Dawning (Sunrise Chalet x loddigesii) Should bloom around April/May
A 1966 hybrid


Cattleya intermedia Alba x Cattleya Margaret Lambert (C. Jeanne Patterson x C. Bob Betts) 1958  Very nice spicy fragrance  Now Named C. Heather Bracher sold    
  Cattleya General Patton 'Orlando #6' (C. Bow Bells x C. Barbara Billingsley)
This is an old heirloom hybrid from 1952
SOLD $105  
  Laelia purpurata var. Werkhauserii  'Blue Sky'   white with blue-purplish lip  Blooms in May SOLD    

Brassavola Little Stars (B. nadosa x B subulifolia) 
This famous hybrid is a very desirable fun orchid to grow.  The leaves are narrow, stiff, more upright to a bit pendant. 
The white heart shaped blooms are fragrant in the evening.

Large fragrant semi alba blooms white with scarlet lip and yellow eyes

Lc. (Now Cattleya) Stonehouse (C. Canhamiana x C. trianae)  A famous old 1916 hybrid with 7" + blooms and nice Fragrance SOLD    


Cattleya Gertrude Hausermann 'EFG'  (C. Empress Bells x C. Bow Bells)  a 1964 Hausermann hybrid  White blooms with golden in center of lip  Has a light fragrance
Really large bloom.
A nice old white.
Blooms are a bright white and very wide
Cattleya Alma Nielsen x Cattleya Bebe White
Parents of C. Alma Neilsen (C. Empress Jewel x C. Joyce Hannington) 1958 hybrid Parents of C. Bebe White (C. Joan Manda x C. White Empress) 1938 hybrid
Two nice old whites Now named Cattleya Fiesta Queen Plant is medium height
  Cattleya Sea Breeze x Cattleya gaskelliana var. coerulea      
coerulea parents with darker lip Lc. Love Knot v. coerulea 'SVO' x C. mossiae v. coerulea 'Blue Moon Too' Plants grow small but blooms are large SOLD    
  Bc. Mt Hood 'Tacoma' x C. walkeriana alba 'Pendentive'  Now named Rlc. Ava Grace Bayse SOLD    
C. Sugiphet x C. Mount Baker Parents of C. Sugiphet (C Karae Lyn Sugiyama x C Henrietta Japhet) 1965  Parents of C. Mount Baker (C. Bow Bells x C. Henrietta Japhet) 1955 SOLD    

Cattleya (Was Lc.) Mildred Rives 'Orchidglade' (C. Rita Renee x C. Bou Philippo)
a 1976 hybrid that has received 12 awards from 1983 to 2018  FCC, CCM, AM, HCC/AOS, and from the CAOB


Looks a lot like it's parent above  White ruffled petals, ruby rosy ruffled lip with golden yellow in center and edged in white - large

Lc. (Now Cattleya) Orglades Grand 'Yu Chang Beauty' AM/AOS (C. Mildred Rives x C. Persepolis)  Fragrant





Cattleya Louise Cochrane (C. Mem. Newton Thornburg 'Chicago Heights' x C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker 'EFG')  Fall, Semi Alba

White petals with ruby lip and yellow in center Lc. Tzeng-Wen Love x Lc. Mem. Robert Strait 'May Snow' SOLD    
  Cattleya Dubiosa 'Scully's' x Cattleya Claesiana 'Elva'  Division of old large plant SOLD    
  Cattleya Claesiana x (C. Dubiosa x C. Jack Cole) Parents of C. Claesiana (C intermedia x loddigesii) Parents of C. Dubiosa (C. harrisoniana x C. trianae) Parents of C. Jack Cole (C. Mademoiselle Louise Pauwels x C. Bob Betts) ) Claesiana is a 1916 cross   Bloomed in April.  discovered that it is Fragrant ! SOLD    
   C. White Reception 'NN' (C. Hawaiian Wedding Song x C. Douglas Johnston) Have had 7 blooms
Very Fragrant Blooming time is Sept


Epc. El Hatillo (Now Catyclia)  (C. mossiae x E. tampensis) 1977 Primary hybrid This is a division of an old plant we bought from Stewart Orchids SOLD    
See above for idea of what blooms will be like Cattleya warscewiczii var coerulea (Wo x Fred) None    
Cattleya warscewiczii var coerulea (La Faresta x 62614)   6" blooms, full shaped, dark bluish lip SOLD    

Lc. Stephen Oliver Fouraker  'EFG' HCC/AOS (Lc. Pegi Mayne x C. Enid)

Lc. (Now Cattleya) Canhamiana varcoerulea 'Lucky Strike' (C. mossiae x C. purpurata) SOLD  

Lc. Park Ridge 'Thornridge'  (Spring Comet x C. mossiae)    Wonderful  Fragrance  Smells like honeysuckle   Blooms are about 6" - 8" 

  Lc. Dinard ‘Blue Heaven’ AM/AOS (St. Gothard x C. Dinah)   Fall Bloomer, Light Fragrance, Blue (grape color) Cattleya, Large Flower about 5-6" across SOLD    

Famous Old White Cattleya
Cattleya Bow Bells 'Wright Patterson'  (C. Edithiae x C. Suznne Hye) This is a 1945 hybrid by Black & Flory  The provenance is that this came from Vacherot & Lecoufle in France many years ago SOLD    
  Lc. Casitas Springs x Lc. Melicio Huerto 'Senior Perfecto'  Bloomed around Jan/Feb SOLD    

C. Swingtime x C. Star Kissed  Parents of C Swingtime (C. Picasso x C. Chicago Today) 
Parents of C Star Kissed ( C Henrietta japhet x C loddigesii)  Stewart 1962  Two great whites



  C. mossiae Wagnerii x C. General Patton
Parents of General Patton (C. Bow Bells x C. Barbara Billingsly)  1952
Wide full blooms
 and yellow and cream inside lip
Cattleya Rivermont Imperial 'Crown' (C Bow Bells x C. loddigesii) a 1961 cross by Rivermont  Our other Rivermonts have bloomed lavender This one bloomed white SOLD    


(C. Celia x C. Florence Patterson) x C. Early Snow  Most likely Parents of C Celia (C. loddigesii x C. Lady Veitch) 1920  Parents of C. Florence Patterson (C Clementine Goldfarb x C Rita Sladden) 1948  Parents of C Early Snow (C Esther Kennedy x White Sail) 1958  Excellent Pure White SOLD    
Great old White, trumpet shaped lip with yellow in lip C. Joyce Hannington x C Clementine Goldfarb  Named Cattleya Dreadnought  Pierson 1957
Great old White, trumpet shaped lip with yellow in lip
  Lc. Mem. Maggie Hood x Lc. Edith Dorpe Large blooms Parents of Lc. Mem. Maggie Hood (Lc. Aconcagua x C. Enid)
Parents of Lc. Edith Dorpe
(Lc. Jane Dane x Lc. Schroderae)
  Lc. C. G. Roebling 'Sentinel' HCC/AOS (C. gaskelliana x C. purpurata) This is an 1895 hybrid SOLD    


Cattleya Portia coerulea 'Mrs Carl Holmes' HCC/AOS  Awarded Blue/Lavender Flower.
Cluster type bloom flower size is approx. 3-4" across.


C. John Hilliard Gilliam  (C. Eltanin x C. Kathleen Redmond 'Malibu')  Parents of C. Eltanin (C. Bow Bells x C Concinnity) Westenberger 1962  Parents of C. Kathleen Redmond (C. Joyce Hannington x C. Alcimeda) Stewart 1963   This hybrid was originated by Borlin  Large whites with yellow in lip Sold    

This is a large semi-alba  From two great parents Bright white sepals & petals The ruffled trumpet lip has purple with yellow and some white mingled

Cattleya Enid alba x C. Catherine Patterson  Large bloom with colored lip Parents of C. Enid alba (C. mossiae x C. warscewiczii) 1898   Parents of C. Catherine Patterson (C. Enid (1898) x C. Mrs. Frederick Knollys) 1952

Beautiful white ruffled petals, rich dark rose/lavender broad ruffled lip with yellow in the center.  Outstanding

Lc. (Now Cattleya) Melody Fair 'Carol' (C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker x C. Horace)

  Cattleya Mini Purple    Compact growing plant Sold    

Cattleya Lucie Hausermann  (C. Alesia x C. Pegi Mayne)    A 1965 Patterson hybrid A very fine old Semi Alba, Crisp white ruffled petals, Colored wide ruffled lip with yellow becoming light lavender & white edge

C. Marjorie Hausermann  (C. Henrietta Japhet x C. Ethel Leder)  The one named 'York' was awarded an HCC  Large, bright, white, flat with a white lip that has a golden yellow in it.  Compact plant Wonderful white and a very pleasant fragrance None Available    
  Lc. Canhamiana x Lc. Eximia  Picture shows parents  The combination of Canhamiana and Eximia are light violet and fragrant, late spring bloomers Sold    
White, (first parent is Japhet style) C. Star Kissed (C. Henrietta Japhet x C. loddigesii ) x C. Empress Bell (C. Bow Bells x C. Edithiae ) SOLD    


Cattlianthe (Was Lc.) Mary Elizabeth Bohn 'Royal Flare' AM/AOS  Splash petal   Blue   These are some of the pictures I have taken of our Mary Elizabeth Bohns in bloom.          Fragrant

1968 Stewart Cross from early efforts in breeding blue Cattleyas C. (now Cattlianthe (Ctt.)) Sapphire (Cattlianthe Ariel x C. labiata) 1968 Stewart Cross from early efforts in breeding blue Cattleyas Sold    
White C. Doris Barce (C Bow Bells x C Wedding Day) Sold    


Lc. Canhamiana var coerulea 'Azure Skies' AM/AOS (C. Mossiac x L. purpurata) x Eximia coerulea (L purpurata x C warnerii)  Expect Fragrant  and  light violet  Picture is the parents Sold    
  C. Swingtime 'First Spring' (Picasso x Chicago Today)   White, Spring bloomer Sold    
  Cattleya bowringiana v coerulea x self  Blue    
  Lc. Cheri Belle 'Dazzle' (C. Mrs. Frederick Knollys x Lc. Shellie Compton)   Blooms in the Fall  SOLD    

Lc. Ida Elizabeth 'Tyler' (Hausermann's Spirit x Mem. John Wilson)  This is a lovely semi alba with the special parent of Mem. John Wilson.  Blooms late spring early summer

  C. mossiae Wagneri x (C. Bow Bells x Barbara Billingsley)    
  Lc. Mini Purple 'Blue Hawaii' (pumila x walkeriana)  pumila now under Laelia
Flowers are about 3 to 3.5 inches wide. Plants are about 8-10 inches tall including the pot. Blooms in the summer. Real nice compact grower. A beautiful light purple flower with a slight hint of blue.


Cattleya Sororia Blue x L. anceps vietchiana Sold    


Blc. (Lc. Irene Finney 'Springs Best' x Blc. Morning Glory)   This is a semi alba with a ruffled ruby lip with a golden center.  Petals are more smooth and not overlapping  Picture was taken when the bloom was beginning to fade

  Lc. Cheri Belle 'Valentine' (C. Mrs. Frederick Knollys x Lc. Shellie Compton) 
This is a semi-alba - white with a dark lavender lip and the blooms are large, 5" - 6" across  This is also a parent of Lc Mem. John Wilson
  Cattleya bowringiana var coerulea      BLUE  Sold    
  C. Enid alba (C. mossiae x C. warscewiczii) x Lc Edith Dorpe (Lc. Jane Dane x Lc. Schroderae)  Named Lc Astri  C. Enid is a 1898 cross   This is Sold    
  C. Swingtime 'Dancer' (Picasso x Chicago Today) Spring bloomer  Large white blooms SOLD    
  C. Old Whitey (C. Mt Rainier x C. Empress Bells) x C. Angelwalker  Named C. Dalaginding  Older white none available    

Laelia purpurata var carnea x self

  Armacost hybrid # 3597 SOLD    
  Armacost hybrid #4942 and Stewart #19421 SOLD    
  Bc. Donna Kimura  (C Princess Bells x Bc Mount Anderson) SOLD




Brassovola digbyana '#2'  SOLD    


Blc. Glenn Maidment 'Aranbeem' SOLD    


Blc. Hawaiian Wizard 'Carmela'  SOLD    

Blc. Hsinying Catherine 'Hakucho'

  Blc. William Gee 'Grade A' 4528  111B  SOLD    
  C. Alfresco 'St. Tropez' SOLD    
  Blc. Victoria 'Bluebird' HCC/AOS SOLD    
  C. Caroline Shields Brown [C. Esbetts (C. Bob Betts x C. Estelle) x C. Lynn Spencer (C. Bob Betts x C. White Blossom) SOLD    
  C. Tyrone ‘71282’ (C. Bob Betts x C. Esbetts) SOLD    
  C. Ruth Gee ‘Whillikers’ HCC/AOS x Blc Mary Tuavera ‘Ice Age’ SOLD    
  C. Doris McGraw var. coerulea 'Orchid Trail' (Caribbean Skies x Dupreana)  SOLD    

C. Dupreana 'coerula' subvar. 'Kodama' 



C. Arctic Star Star ‘Snow Queen’ (C. Claesiana x C. Fred Cole) SOLD    
  C. Ange Bells 'Suzie' (C. Empress Bells x C. Little Angel)  SOLD    


C. Louis & Carla ‘Summer Supreme’ (C. Stella Elenewski x C. Nancy Off) SOLD    
  C walkeriana v.  'Pendentive' x walkeriana Semi-alba 'Ann' SOLD    
  C. Walkerinter (C. walkeriana x intermedia) SOLD    
  C skinneri 'Carpenteria x self SOLD    


C. schofieldiana SOLD    
  C. warneri var. coerula ‘Blue Satin’ SOLD    
  C. Ruth M. Johnston ‘Mendenhall’ x C. Swingtime SOLD    
  C. Clark Hermann 'Carl' AM/AOS (C. Marjorie Hausermann x C Fred Cole)   SOLD    
  Cattleya amethystoglossa  SOLD    
  C. walkeriana 'Manhattan Blue'  SOLD    
  C. Ruth Gee 'Dallas' AM/AOS x Ruth Gee 'Bill' HCC/AOS   SOLD    
  C. jenmanii var. coerulia  . SOLD    
  C. St. Katharine Drexel (David Bishop x Summer Ridge) SOLD    
  C Swingtime Dancer (Picasso x Chicago Today) SOLD    
  C. Watauga 'Mendenhall' x C. Lucille Small 'Marshall' FCC/AOS  SOLD    

C. Carl Housermann ‘Founder’ (C. Bob Betts x C. Diane Sato)   Apr


  C. intermedia var coerulea x Lc. Eximia var coerulea '31087'  SOLD



C. Mary Lynn McKenzie 'Thanksgiving' (C. Bob Betts x C Swan)

  C. Earl ‘Imperialis’ FCC/AOS x C. walkeriana alba  SOLD    
  C. Sans Souci 'Mendenhall' (C Brighton x C Swan Lake) x Sans Souci 'Classic' (C Brighton x C Swan Lake) SOLD    


C. New Dawning ‘Flowers Galore’ (C. Sunrise Chalet x C. loddigesii) SOLD    


C. Carl Hausermann 'Lucy'  SOLD


  C. The Friendly Third x (C Bob Betts x Ruth M Johnston) SOLD    
  C. Mem. Mary Proebstle '#1' x C. Fuji Creek 'March' SOLD    
  Diacattleya (Diaca.) Chantilly Lace 'Twinkle' SOLD    
  L anceps var eitchiana SOLD    
  Laelia lobata alba SOLD    
  Laelia perrinii var. coerulea SOLD    
  Laelia Pulcherima var alba '053005' SOLD



Laelia purpurata var semi-alba



Lc. [L. purpurata 'Mood Indigo' x C. (intermedia var aquinii coerulea x amethystoglossa)]  #S19908 SOLD




Lc. Mariner Far Horizon x L. anceps coerulea SOLD    
  Lc. Esbetts Clown  '791' (Colorama x C. Esbetts) SOLD    
  Lc. Sierra Skies 'Leone' BM/JOGA (Lc. Parysatis x C. mossiae)  SOLD



Lc. Starting Point 'Unique' AM/AOS (Ahmad Sheikhi  x Persepolis)  

  Lc. Blue Boy ‘Lenette’ (C. Ariel x Elegans) SOLD    
  Lc (Canhamiana var coerulea 'Dark Borders'  x C G Roebling 'Blue Magic') SOLD    


Lc. Cheri Belle ‘Southern Beauty’   SOLD    


Lc. Gaskel Pumila 'Blue Moon' JC/AOS SOLD    
  Lc. Hausermann's Gala 'Villa Park' (Lc. Stephen Oliver Fouraker x Mrs. Frederick Knollys) SOLD    

Lc. Mem. Robert Strait 'Carmela'  


Lc. Ida Elizabeth 'Patrick' (Hausermann's Spirit x Mem. John Wilson)



Lc. Mem. John Wilson 'Palatine' (Lc. Carla Off x Lc. Cheri Belle) SOLD
  Pot. (Blc. Oconee 'Mendenhall' AM/AOS x Chatoyant 'Sonnet' HCC/AOS (Charmides x South Ghyll))  # 797112 SOLD    

Cattleya mossiae v. coerulea x sib  4N (tetraploid) plants

  Lc. Canhamiana var coerulea 'Azure Skies' (C mossiae x L purpurata) SOLD    
  Blc. Calm Seas '1795' x C. Ruth Gee 'Grandma' Really has a wonderful Fragrance We acquired these plants directly from a trip to Stewart Orchids many years ago. These are from seed, they are not clones.  All of these orchids came directly from Stewart Orchids. Some are lavender and some are white. This is the white one. Sold


Schomburgkia thomsonia ‘Minor’ x self SOLD    

See shipping info. above

Orchid Classes:  Learn how to grow, care for and bloom your orchids
 Ironwood Estate Orchids is conducting Beginner and Hands on Repotting Classes
Click Here for Class Dates  New 2025 Dates Are Here !!!
See our New Pots for Orchids   Pots
Purchase by visiting the greenhouse at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602
By appointment
e-mail to or
calling us at (828) 294-3950 or (828) 238-3604 cell
or writing to us at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602

Thank you to each of our customers!
It is you who make this a business and a wonderful experience.
We invite you to come to the greenhouse (by appointment) and
enjoy the ever changing environment of blooms, plant growth and orchid offerings.
Dale and Phyllis Erikson  Still growing and enjoying orchids after more than 30 years

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Last modified 2/16/2025
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